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Rare and Racy Record and Book Shop - 164/166 Devonshire Street, Sheffield


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17th - 18th Nov @

The George 4th - Infirmary Road


Rare and Racy (location) is one of those shops that's always been there.


It's always been good. Some people who love that shop are organsing a benefit for them, as a way of helping them out in these times of corporate chain-store conformity.

There will be two nights (Friday 8pm to 1am and Saturday 3pm to 1am). DJs, Bands, Visuals.



Artists playing will be:-



Friday 17th Nov

Downstairs 8pm - 11pm Upstairs 8pm - 1am


* Lets Bitter Cinema

* The Nihilistics

* Dog Canute

* The United Kingdom of America




* The Carol-Anne Showband Sound System

* gmproducts

* Julian (C90)

* epicentre

* Mark Armstrong




Saturday 18th Nov

Downstairs 3pm - 11pm Upstairs 6pm - 1am


* Treebeard

* Diminished Responsibility

* Ben Savage

* Mick Beck

* Richard (Poke)

* The Bluesome Twosome

* Tegi Roberts

* Michael Eden

* The Carol-Anne Showband

* Poke




* Candungo Burro

* SJC Projects

* Feedle

* epicentre

* Joe (C90)

* DJ aNTAcid


Rare and Racy really need our help - please lets join together and make this event huge!

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Is it the high rent that's threatening to drive them out or did I imagine reading that? It would be a tragedy if Rare and Racy was lost in the moronic effort to turn that end of town into a completely slick, designer Hell. It's one of the few places left in town with a soulful, shambolic charm.


I love to go in there even if it's just to browse, (Usually I buy something to do my bit towards keeping it alive though), it has such a special atmosphere and many interesting, eclectic books and albums.


I'll be there for the benefit and I hope many others come too, maybe it'll turn into a regular night?

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We really echo your comments Gularscute & Chris nice to see people not only know about the cause but also love the shop as well...

My housemate bought a 7'' Tunng record from Rare and Racy yesterday!


Thanks for the replies lets try and keep this on the front page as its a v.worthy cause.

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We need shops like Rare and Racy.


Not just because it sells music and books but because it doesn't have a corporate decision making process about what sort of things it should stock, it doesn't have stockholders meetings about having a corporate identity, it doesn't use the marketing term 'choice' to imply some sort of consumer benefit. We also need it because it sells books and music, interesting and unusual music and because it has knowledgable staff.


Otherwise our streets will end up being a clone of every other city street in the country. Oh look a Subway sandwich shop, oh look River Island, oh look Sainsbury, oh look Tesco, oh look another bloomin' Subway, etc, you get my drift...

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Haven't been in for a year or two I'm ashamed to confess; but I shall certainly try to call in next time I'm in town. I entirely agree with other posters on the thread about the joy of Rare and Racy and the importance of such places as a counterbalance to the chainstore conformity that seems to blight our city centres.

Love the idea of the benefit at the George 4th (can't recall my Roman numerals - had beer) and like the look of the line - up. Hope to be there for at least some of it - would particularly look forward to seeing Treebeard again and Tegi Roberts.

Good luck with the benefit and best wishes for the long term future of the shop.

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