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Help! Researching Sheffield Carols


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A cry for help - I am organising Carols In The Glen 2006 for Stocksbridge and Deepcar and would like to include 'Hail Smiling Morn' as I have heard this is a Sheffield Carol locally specific to Stocksbridge.

Does anyone know where i can locate the words and music - both rather vital to a performance...

Also any memories about local carol singing would be interesting for my research... Thank you!

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A cry for help - I am organising Carols In The Glen 2006 for Stocksbridge and Deepcar and would like to include 'Hail Smiling Morn' as I have heard this is a Sheffield Carol locally specific to Stocksbridge.

Does anyone know where i can locate the words and music - both rather vital to a performance...

Also any memories about local carol singing would be interesting for my research... Thank you!


You could do worse than ask in the Wharncliffe Arms. They have carols in there every boxing day and they are quite distinctive and specific to the local area. The men do all the singing and the women hand out the sheets with the words on. We had a Japanese visitor who joined in with them a few years ago.


Went down a storm :thumbsup:

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Hail Smiling Morn!


Hail smiling morn, smiling morn,

That tips the hills with gold, that tips the hills with gold,

Whose rosy fingers ope the gates of day,

Ope the gates, the gates of day, Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail!

Who the gay face of nature doth unfold,

At whose bright presence darkness flies away, flies away,

Darkness flies away, darkness flies away,

At whose bright presence darkness flies away, flies away,

Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail! Hail!



To hear the music go to http://www.archive.org/details/hail1904. There is a very old (VERY VERY OLD!!) recording of it by the Edison Quartet. It's absolutely beautiful - made me shiver

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A cry for help - I am organising Carols In The Glen 2006 for Stocksbridge and Deepcar and would like to include 'Hail Smiling Morn' as I have heard this is a Sheffield Carol locally specific to Stocksbridge.

Does anyone know where i can locate the words and music - both rather vital to a performance...

Also any memories about local carol singing would be interesting for my research... Thank you!


There was a thread "Carols Indigenous to Sheffield"

Lots of information on it

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If you get up to The Blue Ball in Worrall, they have a spiral bound book full of all the local carols (words and music) - it's actually published by the Worrall Male Voice Choir. It's dead cheap - I think about 7 or 8 quid. If you can't manage that, I could write it out for you, but you'll have to wait to send me an email - do they have PMs on this forum? - and I'll sort something out

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Ther are about 8 CD's available with recordings of the local singing all the local carols at the Royal Hotel at Dungworth. I think you will find the carols are local to quite a wide area of Sheffield as far flung as Stannington and Dungworth, Bradfield, Bolsterstone and Stocksbridge as well as parts of the Peak District too. The CD's come complete with the words so you can sing along ! Many of the old tunes bring a tear to my eye as I have vivid memories of being taken to local gatherings with my Mum and Grandma ( now deceased ) and belting out all the old tunes.

Details of the CD's, prices etc. can be obtained from Village Carols, Bridge House, Unstone, Sheffield S18 5AF.

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