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Is anyone familiar with 'The Exclusive Brethren' religious order?

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I used to have (in about 1991) a news clipping about the "Exclusive Brethren" on my office wall.


The headline was "Jesus Didn't Use a Computer" - the brethren were not allowing their kids to go to IT classes at school.... and yes, there defense was "Jesus didnt use one" :confused:


The editorial pointed out the Jesus didnt speak english, use toilet paper or a flush toilet..... :cool:

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What about the kids life after talking with other kids about television programmes and news and games etc. The poor b------s must have a terrible time, being picked on 'cause they can't talk about TV progs etc.

What life is this in this modern age?


I'm not specifically talking in relation to these religions here, but how sad for modern society if the above were true! One of my best friends (a right laugh, mad as a hatter and up for anything) had no access to a telly or computer until she moved out of home to go to uni, and it never did her any harm! Just encouraged her creative and intellectual sides, and fostered her love for books. She missed out in no way when socialising with others or interacting with peers. TV and computer games really aren't the be all and end all!


Her only slight regret is that she now can't join in on the "oh! do you remember that cartoon that was on a 4 on a friday before our swiomming class?! what was the theme tune?" type conversations!


But of course, being totally separated from all technology and from technology users would be completely different thing ...

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I'm not specifically talking in relation to these religions here, but how sad for modern society if the above were true! One of my best friends (a right laugh, mad as a hatter and up for anything) had no access to a telly or computer until she moved out of home to go to uni, and it never did her any harm! "Just encouraged her creative and intellectual sides, and fostered her love for books. She missed out in no way when socialising with others or interacting with peers. TV and computer games really aren't the be all and end all!




Not wanting to honk about my normal pet arguements.... honk.... but this is actually a serious issue


People tend to look at anti-modernity groups (like the Aimish) and see them with a degree of warmth - ie they are quaint because of their old fashioned ways.


However, all these cults are actually about control - the Aimish stop their kids having access to modern skills - eg IT use and education much beyond the absolute basics as a CONTROL - ie if kids are unable to function in the world "out there" they are much less likely to leave the cult. :rant:

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However, all these cults are actually about control - the Aimish stop their kids having access to modern skills - eg IT use and education much beyond the absolute basics as a CONTROL - ie if kids are unable to function in the world "out there" they are much less likely to leave the cult. :rant:


I have to agree, you are dead right they do control. But who gets all the wealth, I am aware that they pay **** loads towards the church and the committment is unswaying.

I am going to say something that may not be quite PC.

Are they trying to breed a pure race?

The reason for this is I was once told by a high ranking member in the South Yorks area that anyone is welcome to marry into or join the Breterhen, but they must walk the walk and talk the talk.

Anyone got any thoughts???

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