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Sheffield bands - who's the best?


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I played in bands back in the late 70's, early 80's and saw loads of great Sheffield bands like Artery (John Peel favourites), The Flying Alphonso Brothers, The Negatives (single of the week in NME), I'm So Hollow, The Deaf Aids and more.


Over the last few years I have started going back and watching local bands and the scene seems to be thriving. Best ones I have seen recently are Van (http://www.myspace.com/vansheffield) who must be close to being signed? Milburn are good, Harrisons too and it's good to see Little Man Tate on MTV etc.


I also like some of the blues/R+B bands like Do$sch and Sneakin Suspicion, and Grey Cooper Love Party are great for that James Brown style funk.


Vegas Child are very good, remind me of someone and I can't think who.


The Foe or The Foes were good, awesome guitarist, bit of a prog rock sound so maybe not to everyones liking.


Of the up and coming younger bands I think The Pickups and JPE are two of the best I have seen, attracting big crowds with crowd surfing!! (not by me, far too old for that!) plus there are loads more out there, Sheffield can be a good night out to watch local bands, any night of the week.

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I saw the stoops last month in HWMC and thought they were pretty good, they're only young and all that but are coming on well, i also like chicken legs weaver, i used to know the lead singer Andy as he was a lecturer at Parsons cross and did us a song in a back street pub back in Scarborough back in 97 and it went down a storm, have seen them a couple of times since and like there sound a lot. Long Blondes are cool too.

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