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St. Hildas church..does anyone know?


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Hi St Hilda's is due for demolition very soon as it has been unused for sometime. I am one of the local residents and feel it would be a great loss to the area. I have set up an online petition and website in order to gather support for finding a more appropriate solution to demolition. As far as I know the buildign has not been up for sale at all. I feel once lost it's gone forever and wonder what will be left in its place. If you have feelings on the matter please make it known now before it is too late. Please google 'st hilda's - go petition' and you can link to the site from there.


Why would anyone want to save it now, no one was bothered when it ope as a church, no one went, no one wanted to use it then why would they use it if it was turned into a community center, they chucked rubbish on our land and parents watched as kids through bricks onto our new roof and broke all the slates, so why the f*** would anyone be bothered now.

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Hi Janie M - I can reassure you that most of the people who are objecting and have signed the petition can see the church from their houses or see the church at some point in their day. Ther comments have been overwhelming and all in a similar way to yours and with such obviously deep connection. All those that have signed the peition have filled in a form that says where they live so we know how many are local and it is most of them. Others have a conection in someway or were brought up in the area. We set the petition up to alert local people to the plight of St Hilda's and not people who have no connection with it. It is vital now that those who are showing objection raise their voices to help find a Community Solution. We are writing to everyone who has shown support to ask for their help now in developing a sustainable local plan. We are setting up an official community group 'Save St Hilda's (SSH)' If you would like to be involved in this please contact us via the website http://www.sthildas.webs.com or by email sthildas@mail.com

many thanks for your comment.


I am really worried that you said the diocese told you they have sold it - I was led to believe they had agreed but not yet signed. HS59


Sorry I meant to say the people who are wanting it demolished don't see the church, it's the peolpe who do see it that don't.

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saw them taking the tiles off the roof on thursday afternoon anybody heard owt ?


According to dioceses of Sheffield they are demolishing it and building 4 or 5 houses on there with of street parking and they will be no higher than the houses across the road, the builder asked if they could use the red roof tiles they was taking off but planning refused it as it didn't fit in to the look of the area. According to sheffield council they know nothing about it. They're taking it down really carefully. Think it'll be a case of watch this space.

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