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Galaxy 105 & Radio 1 - drug culture

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Although I am into dance music and love some of the stuff these radio stations play, I can honestly say that being affected deeply by drug use and having a close family member affected too, these radio stations, although have advertisements related to drug taking being dangerous, do in fact subtley advocate drug taking. They use the terms 'MESSY'. ie oh, we had a right banging weekend at God's kitchen and the like, it was a messy weekend!....(God's kitchen for those of you who do not know is a nightclub'). Messy is a term clubbers use for a drug taking frenzy of a weekend.

With nights called 'Heaven and Hell' etc etc, surely at the time when taking drugs it does feel a little bit like heaven...but there is so much hell that comes with it.


Come on DJ's. Get a bit more responsible. And as for you Judge Jules - there's only one Judge and God certainly aint serving up cocktails of amphetamines in His kitchen lol:hihi:

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I see your point.


Stations like Galaxy and Hallam FM, being commercial, with have links with local night clubs and run various dance nights. They encourage listeners to go out and have a 'banging time'. The listening base for these stations assumes that people work in an office from 9-5 Mon to Fri, so come the weekend they want to let it all out and celebrate. They make the youth of today think that's all that's acceptable.


Radio 1 is actually very good as it runs one life, which provides info on drug dangers etc. But why celebrities are taking drugs etc, no drug ed campaign is going to do any good. Take for example Kate Moss. The fact that after she got caught taking drugs she got more contracts is shocking. The fact that Richard Branson decided to make a fast buck out of it for Virgin Mobile is even more shocking. We are trying to tell kids drugs are bad, yet someone publically is revelaed as taking coccaine and their life is better as a result.

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Guest Mod_Man

I agree with you on the Kate Moss thing. She was caught taking a class A drug and not a thing happened to her. They should lock the scrawny c*w up along with her Smackhead fella. One rule for them and another for the average Joe I guess.

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No. Im not on crack my dear. But I have been affected by someone who has been on it. I went to Hed Kandi at The Republic several months ago and there were groups of young people huddled together in corners snorting cocaine, in front of the bouncers who were turning a blind eye.


I work with people who have been to prison and have unfortunately had drug related psychosis. An unfortunate affliction!

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People take drugs famous or not. You shouldnt be humiliated for taking them. Kate Moss obviously has issues and poor lass, she got stung, but I dont hink this should ruin her career, but it would be nice for everyone to hear her story, rather than the good old tabloids making her look bad. She's human. Just like the rest of us on this panet.

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Guest Mod_Man

But if you or I were found to be using Crack or Heroin we would pay a penalty. So what if Kate Moss has issues. We all have issues of our own but it doesn't mean we should get away with possession of Class A drugs. Earlier in your OP you were slating D.J's for using Drug banter now you're saying we shouldn't give someone in the public eye a hard time because they use Class A drugs and get away with it.

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I have had a friend that paid the ultimate price with regards to drugs, while it would ludicrous to blame Galaxy or Radio 1. I think that local commercial radio stations are partially responsible for some of the social ills we see in the young people of today.

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I am against drug abuse however it does beg another question. What is worse drugs or drink? im very much against drug pushing and giving that the concept of going out and taking drugs is going to improve your night out. But then again i have seen people in much worse states over drink, and generally a lot more dangerous to others as well. A group of people who are one drink are usually a lot more violent. Should the media be even sending out information such as happy hours and cheap drinks all night as well? What people choose to do with the life they have is up to them. So does the media have a moral obligation to honour this or say its bad? I would say I hope that we are open enough as a society to let the media say what it wants and let everyone make up their own minds.

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