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Anyone got any advice on phentermine

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I used to get mine from the NSC (National Slimming Centre) I used to go get weighed have my blood pressure taken then get given the pills. I don't think they were doctors... :o Does this make me a criminal? :suspect:


Of course you aren't a criminal- you can get prescriptions from other places than your GP you know.


The important thing is that you had your health checked and monitored throughout you taking it- that's the responsible way to do it.


Phentermine is one of the legally available amphetamines (related to speed), and because it's a stimulant it can be hazardous to people with high blood pressure or a number of other ailments, and it can also be addictive, so must be used in short courses with a long break between to avoid physical addiction.

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If you eat very little food all day on a regular basis your body goes into 'famine mode'. It starts to store body fat instead of utilising it for energy. Eating SMALL quantities of food every 2-3 hours keeps your energy levels up, and because you are never really hungry you will not have a tendency to binge. If you build a fire you don't put all the fuel on at once you do it gradually, that's how our bodies like food - little & often!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to the medical slimming clinic on Middlewood rd and was given Phentermine last month.

For the first week I didnt feel hungry at all and lost 5lbs, 2nd week my appetite had increased a bit and I stayed the same weight and by week 3 my appetite was back to normal and the pills were doing absolutely nothing for me.

I was really disapointed but everybodies different so they may work for you.

Good luck and be careful on them.

I suffer from low blood pressure and these pills made it dip even lower so I felt faint all the time!

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  • 4 years later...

I started taking Phentermine in March 2009. So far I have lost 16lbs. Going from 191lbs to 175lbs has already made me feel so much better. I have a challenge from my Doctor to be down 20 more pounds by my next visit in late August. I'm gonna do it. I am very happy that I got introduced to this medicine. I was never able to lose this much weight on my own. For me this drug had some insignificant side effects such as dry mouth and sweating a little more than usual, but these have disappeared with time. I have been stuck at 175lbs for quite a few weeks, because I need to step it up with the exercise. I am so excited for the future because this time I know that I'm gonna make it.



read more: http://www.buyphenterminecheap.com/

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i have got between 3 1/2 to 4 stone to lose so could do with all the help and advice i can get. i exercise daily but i never seem to be full so i have bought some phentermine capsules to try but before i do i was wondering if anyone has had any experiences of taking these as i've read some feedback about them and a couple of web pages but would rather know what local people have to say about it.


Phentermine has a list of interactions with other drugs as long as your arm. You can end up in hypertensive crisis or with serotonergic syndrome if you happen to be taking one of these other medications.


Caveat Emptor.

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