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Dyslexia Anyone affected ?


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I kept getting messages from the school about his behaviour, (usually him storming out of lessons) yet when i went up to the school to see what was happening they kept telling me what a good lad he was, polite,helpful etc. when he was due to go back to school in sept I decided that as we were moving schools anyway i would take him out and home school him til we moved house. within a week i was concerned as i could see he was trying so hard to do the work but getting really frustrated because he couldn't do it. i answered a questionaire online for the Dore foundation, who were brilliant, came and saw us at home then we took him in for tests where dyslexia was confirmed.


can you remember what site this questionaire was on?

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my son has the understanding and word knowledge of a 15year old (dont ask me how they do that) the reading ability of a 11 year old and the writing and concentration skills of a 6 yr old.


Hes eight and a half. But Happy :D


that sounds just like my son :)

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I have dyscalulia, which is dyslexia but with numbers.


Its not fun. I can't check my own change, and some days if I feel bad I can't add two double figured numbers together (like 10 and 23) and I can't multiply.



Im like this bobbyBunny.I was always top at English & bottom at Maths.I sometimes stand in the queue at the bank & count on my fingers behind my back to check what Im paying in.I cannot do simple fractions or decimels,and definitley cant add up in my head. Glad someone esle is the same. My biggest fear at school was "Mental Arithmetic"

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Im like this bobbyBunny.I was always top at English & bottom at Maths.I sometimes stand in the queue at the bank & count on my fingers behind my back to check what Im paying in.I cannot do simple fractions or decimels,and definitley cant add up in my head. Glad someone esle is the same. My biggest fear at school was "Mental Arithmetic"


Me too. I was so ashamed that I couldn't count. Lol. And I can't tell the time on a clock that ticks. Lol.

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Despite struggling at school with reading and spelling, my daughter was never assessed for anything, despite me asking repeatedly.


Sounds all too familiar to my story. I was eventually privately diagnosed and sent to a special school for a couple of years - after that I caught up (just).

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I have dyscalulia, which is dyslexia but with numbers.


Its not fun. I can't check my own change, and some days if I feel bad I can't add two double figured numbers together (like 10 and 23) and I can't multiply.


Does anyone know of any courses help groups etc that adults with dyscalculia can go to ?

I have the same problem as BobbyBunny , couldn't tell the time at all until I was 12. Spent every maths lesson shamefaced and tearful because I couldn't do my 3 times table etc.Yet top of the class in English, Biology and so on.

I'm 34 now and feel let down by the education system of my youth but want to do something to improve my grasp of the dreaded maths:gag:

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