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Dyslexia Anyone affected ?


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Four years ago I was diagonised as being dyslexic. I had to undergo numerous test, where it was found that I read better when its black writing on a pink background. I was 35 years old at that time and I had just begun a course at Sheffield Hallam University. Tomorrow (15th November) I shall be graduating from there with a BA Hons :thumbsup:

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I'm not dyslexic but i found english very difficult at school, and was put in all the poor sets (for everything) when i went to secondary, and i excelled in Maths and Physics, and moved up sets in those. I found English very frustrating, but everyone finds their good skills, and everyone has some.


To add to Kittenta's comments, poor concentration shouldnt be seen as a bad thing, (its supposed to be a sign of, well, being thick basically) but i see it as a sign of boredom, due to not stimulating the right things in someones brain.


ash (currently stimulated by alcohol, but i know what i'm typing/saying)

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I have dyscalulia, which is dyslexia but with numbers.


Its not fun. I can't check my own change, and some days if I feel bad I can't add two double figured numbers together (like 10 and 23) and I can't multiply.

:o I never realised there was such a thing, and it makes me wonder now because although i have absolutely no problems with reading , writing etc, my numeracy skills are absolutely terrible.

I couldn't even add up untill way after i left school,although i do manage to muddle through now anything out of the ordinary completely throws me.... and no matter how patient people are, no matter how many times they explain i really cannot understand, and i try so hard.

It is really embarrassing and i know it has cost me jobs in the past, plus i can't play cards :(

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My son is dyslexic and so am I, I was always in the remedial class for english when I was at school.

He stuggled though juiner school but was found to dyslexic by a teacher at his secondery school. He is an absolute genius when it comes to maths and sience subjects but cant put things on paper and he cant do exams. He gets very angry when he is in an exam room and walks out.


Dispit all of his problems he has got a place at Thomas Rotherham College and he is trying his beat.


Dyslexia is real and people suffer as a result of it!

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