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Dyslexia Anyone affected ?


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:o I never realised there was such a thing, and it makes me wonder now because although i have absolutely no problems with reading , writing etc, my numeracy skills are absolutely terrible.

I couldn't even add up untill way after i left school,although i do manage to muddle through now anything out of the ordinary completely throws me.... and no matter how patient people are, no matter how many times they explain i really cannot understand, and i try so hard.

It is really embarrassing and i know it has cost me jobs in the past, plus i can't play cards :(


I have no problems with reading or writing, or anything else for that fact but ask me to add two numbers together and I'm lost. I also can't tell the time on a 24 hour clock or one that ticks... :lol:


I get VERY confused sometimes when my other half asks me to check the change we got from the shop. I still ask my Mum what time it is... and when we have guests that is really upsetting. Mum sometimes asks me to work out how much two things will come upto, but I can't even use a calculator properly :( Dyscalculia developed for me when I was 14. I was the top of my maths class and got a level 8 in my SATS for maths, and then when it came to my exam in June two years after, I got an E :o:hihi:


I DO find it hard having to ask my other half the time, having to ask a person at the bus stop to tell me what time the bus comes because I can't work out the times on the chart, having to trust all the shop keepers to give me the right change, because I can't check it myself :(

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I can't write by hand unless I copy, so first of all I type it out on computer, spell check and then copy by hand. I get mistakes even then if I'm not careful. I often start with the second letter first, which is not too much of a problem if I've left enough room to insert the first letter. If I have to write my signature several times in succession I blank and just cannot go on. I get mixed up with similar looking letters in the main and find it a nightmare when it's time to do the Christmas cards.

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  • 2 years later...

Hello my name is Rob Wheeldon and I’ am an adult dyslexic. I didn’t find out I was Dyslexic till I was 27 I’ am now 36. As I’ am sure you are highly aware most dyslexics have a hard time at school and I was no exception. In fact my own father often told me "I didn’t try hard enough at school and was lazy" and it didn’t help that my sister was a high flyer who came out with a masters degree and I left with nothing. I felt like a big disappointment too everyone. I loved science and history at school and couldn’t understand how I failed.

However when I found out I was dyslexic I did a lot of soul searching, I went back in education with mixed results (I came out with a HND instead of a degree which feels like a consolation prize)lack of funds to continue means it may have too stay that way for a while.

However I have tried too looking on the positive side. I read up about all the famous dyslexics (I never know there was so many of them). I became fascinated with Albert Einstein most of all. Now all my life I’ve been told I was thick because I was dyslexic but the more I read up about him the more I found we had in common ( poor memory, did badly at school, long periods of unemployment). So I was inspired too write a poem about him ,which I have since read out in front of a crowd of a hundred people at Sheffield’s Words aloud poetry night (there is a recording of me reading it out on their website) and it has also been read out by Annie Nightingale on Radio 1. Now if someone had told me five years ago I’d have a poem of mine read out on radio 1 I’d have thought they were having a laugh. So here is the poem I hope you enjoy it. Cheers Rob


Relativity rap


All the chav’s think they are real clever

With their Burberry hats and eyes to close together

But check Einstein he wrote the line

Relativity he found divine

Mass and energy is the same thing

E=mc squared is da bling


E equals energy

M equals mass

And the Mc sparks the time to pass

The square root of two holds the whole thing together

And the workings of this process are both elegant and clever


The equation describes the speed of lights accretion

And properties of mass to energy conversion

From the well of gravity springs space/time

The structure of which creates the world line


A curved prism light gave Newton insight

That the flow of quantum chromodynmics is the structural wave form which lights the planets

The sun is a changeable force with a moving boundary which gives heat and light to you and me

Spectral light emissions are part of the effect that curves space/ time to a constant effect


With energy the world resounds there’s are always motion where light is found

E and mc squared gets it together and creates all kinds of cosmic weather


Photons and electrons perform the trick that lets the clockwork universe tick

It is not clockwork Newton’s bucket is wrong but try making that into a song


I understood Newtonian physics at school for every action an opposite I was no fool

Well Dense energy equals mass they didn’t teach me that in class.

Compressed energy is released in a dance a physical activity not left too chance

All the sums must balance out and that’s what stars are all about


Nuclear fusion will cause no confusion

If you get over the simple delusion

That every thing is in a fixed state

That’s not how particles interrelate


A black hole it has no mass

Progress and motion towards its devotion

No light escapes this non- Euclidian potion

Into what dimension does the energy emerge

The whole damn thing is truly absurd


Now please don't see this as a retraction

Let me illustrate this action

One two three all states emerge, mass and light and energy

Extend from a singularity.

Unleashed potential all around and that was how the light was found


The Lambda principle lets there be light who’s to say it’s not cosmologically right?

A balanced creation of energy that creates everything mysteriously

Electrons and photons Like to dance and will interact given half a chance


With its strange polarity

That exists on every scale

The perfect geometry off this tale

The golden ratio that makes every thing go

It’s the strangest thing that we all know


Too all of us its quite clear the earths a sphere

You can not see the curve off the earth for its mighty girth

The curve of the line resting on the equator

Is the truth of the now in the past and the later?


Now it all seems quite neat these marvels of science

The globe travelling in relative motion and geodesic compliance

But the point of an arrow that curves on a dime

This is the essence of circular time, gravity curves nature too a constant degree and even time is a singularity


Come on now, and don't be morons just innovate your interneurons

The Wheeler-DeWitt equation freezes time

But is quantum gravity the key too undoing this mystery?

The Tachyon maybe faster than the speed of light and into history it sets flight

I hope this rhyme found the time to show you that physics is so sublime




I currently work nights as a shelf filler in a super market, but as I hope my poem makes clear I’ am capable to do so much more. Please help me get some publicity for my work. I want too prove too the world that dyslexic people have some thing too offer and we are not as stupid and lazy people think we are. I think work like this can change peoples attitudes too our condition. After all I am a bloke who stacks shelves who understands relativity. I often think I’am living the plot of the film "good will hunting" I mean it’s quite funny when you think about it.

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Is it true then that Dyslexics compensate by being overly very creative and have talents in other directions?




my husband has dyslexia, he was diagnosed in first year of primary school, was put in a "special class" with a teacher who was trained to teach dyslexics. he still struggles now, reading is very slow and hes not a confident typer. when ever he does make comments on forums and people jump on him for his spelling mistakes i get really annoyed and bite back. i tell them he's dyslexic and they should think before typing such rude comments etc. my son also has borderline dyslexia [which i think it is utter rubbish] he HAS dyslexia.

dyslexia is also hereditary. my son was born partially deaf [which we didnt know about till he was 5 yr old] so all through nursery he was left to his devices, the teachers couldnt get his attention, he did no work just played in the sand and water. one teacher wanted me to get him certified adhd, i know that wasnt his problem. so the combined hearing problems and lack of learning at school as made it hard for him, now they say hes "borderline" dyslexic. he also had to start wearing glasses wich helped massivley.

he has improved with the help of the school, he has one on one reading with a teacher and he is assessed every 6 months by the school and also someone from the special needs unit for kids.( it has a proper name just cant remember it)


as for excelling in other areas..my husband was top of class in maths, art, design, sport. he went into the parachute regiment with dyslexia. he can turn his hand to anything from plastering to joinery but it took him 8 yrs to read j.r.tolkeins lord of the rings.

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We have a free drop in for Dyslexia/Dyspraxia/Asperger Syndrome Awareness at


354 South Rd


S6 3TE


Tuesday 25th November


All welcome

Come and have a chat and get more information about these misunderstood conditions.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi all,


I've been forwarded a link to a film about dyslexia called "Musik". As someone rightly pointed out, dyslexic people compensate for being extremely creative and this film delivers the dyslexic traits and also the creative ones too. A few of my friends and myself included can relate to the majority of the characters feelings. Well worth a watch - especially for 45p - 20% goes to the British Dyslexia Association so I am glad I am supporting the Dyslexic Association.


If you're interested in watching the film, PM me and I'll forward you a link.



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