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Real Ales at the Dove and Rainbow


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Its on my list of new ales to try in the future.........there are SOOOO many now though to choose from with the most amazing names!!!!...... and thats not including many of the tiny micro breweries that proliferate all over the UK, and which are growing almost daily.




Ever since 'keg' beer was introduced back in the early 1960's, cask ale has been on the slow decline, up to a point around 1970 when there was barely any cask ales left at all until CAMRA was created to turn the tide......its taken 36 years but cask ale sales are rising rapidly on a scale not seen since the inception of CAMRA.


To me, the beer cellar is not just a simple 'plug and play' keg operation like far too many of pubs and bars now, but somewhere where you nourish REAL beer, and take pride in venting and tapping the casks, knowing that each is a work of art when it makes its way up the pipes to the swan neck beer engine.


If I had my way ultimately I would ONLY sell cask ales and cider and wine out of great big wooden barrels.....there is a certain pub in Derbyshire with a sign on the door that the Landlord (a very well built publican), will thump anyone (its been tried and its true!!!) who dares ask for "draught lager" in his pub, and the words Stella, Carling, Heineken, etc, are all 'swear words' that are heavily discouraged!!!


But I think I would like to sell cask lagers ultimately...not sure if anyone else does in Sheffield but had some before and it makes certain well known keg lager brands taste like ****........

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That's two fridays in a row I've been in now - must remember next time to:


a) Take food (didn't realise you could bring some)

b) Bring my laptop so I don't keep feeding 50p's into the game machine


The scrumpy is good, but you definitely need to eat something first to prevent early fallovers.

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That's two fridays in a row I've been in now - must remember next time to:


a) Take food (didn't realise you could bring some)

b) Bring my laptop so I don't keep feeding 50p's into the game machine


The scrumpy is good, but you definitely need to eat something first to prevent early fallovers.


BRING YOUR OWN FOOD....that is until we get our kitchen sorted out, probably in January now. yes bring your laptop, free internet available all the time.......:thumbsup:

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