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People on Benefits should have to give time to community

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I meant the candles you got from Netto which were meant for cakes, not PROPER candles!


You didn't steal them off the 'ready made' birthday cakes at 2.99 did you?!! the shame:hihi:


Anyway, I feel I may have diverted the topic of this thread slightly off the subject. So back to the topic....:hihi:

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I'm not much of a royalist but am quite certian that the queen has brought in(net) more money than you and your entire linage ever will, I belive that she has met and greeted more people than any other on the planet and is a constant ambassador of the highest order to this country. admittedly she is in her (absurdly luxurant) position by pure luck and birth'right' but do you think if you were in her shoes you would be her equal?




There is actually very little evidence to support the idea that the monarchy brings money into this country. You only have to look at the wealth and success of countries that don't have a monarchy (and indeed may have abolished a monarchy) to see that this is just a myth that is propagated by royalists to justify their existance.

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There is actually very little evidence to support the idea that the monarchy brings money into this country. You only have to look at the wealth and success of countries that don't have a monarchy (and indeed may have abolished a monarchy) to see that this is just a myth that is propagated by royalists to justify their existance.


is it time for pay per view royal family battle royale then? :hihi:

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I would not give any of my spare time up to do menial jobs

like litter picking from green spaces, steward work at public events to give relief to the police (thats not 2 activities..). Upon completion of activity, a card is stamped and presented for benefits. No stamped cards = minimum benefits. Stamped cards = a bit more cash.

I am too busy most of the time doing my jobsearch and the bit of time i am not doing that i like going fishing

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I don't think the OP meant the ill or disabled. Just the can't be bothereds.


Personally the "cant be bothered" people should basically not get any benefits and that way they would suddenly "become bothered" and actually get off their arses and look for work.


I just hate spungers who rely on benefits because they dont want work, lazy bitches. I blame the system as they can claim for loads of stuff and probably why the dont work.

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I'm not working at the moment. I've done nothing since the beginning of November, and its great! I don't get dole though, cos I'm 60. I get a bit of state pension (less than half) but no benefits cos I've another bit of pension and a husband working part time. I've worked for over 40 years (3 years at home with babies) and never had a penny in means tested benefits. Like JoeP, my other half was self employed for years - so no work for him meant no money! If he wasn't getting work in self employment, he took menial jobs to ensure he was earning something! Even after major health problems and open heart surgery he came of Incapacity Benefit and has a part time job, although I'm sure he could swing it to claim IB again given his age and medical history! I've got a part time job starting in a few weeks too, and I'm waiting to hear about another one.


I've worked with loads of people with disabilities and limiting conditions in a variety of jobs, my own view is that long term benefit dependency is really different from people claiming between jobs, or when they get ill, or for maternity leave. There are people who just don't see the point of ever getting up and going to work. They are also quite happy to have families without ever considering financial support, and when there isn't enough coming in, demand more from agencies like Social Services. If they can't get a house, its the fault of the council, and so it goes on. I suppose the biggest difference is about self respect and personal responsibility, and I'm not sure at what age that needs to be instilled into people, or even if it can be.


djash1000 had a point about timescales, and I think we should introduce a time limit for benefits. (Not talking disability benefits or caring responsibilities here, just JSA). 5 years out of a whole working life. No benefits, no NI contributions, no anything if you have more than 5 years out of work in total. Seems reasonable? Most people if they get made redundant, eventually get another job. They may have to start at the bottom again (I know I've done it) but so what! Intensive training courses should be available in areas where there are skill shortages, perhaps compulsory? There seems to be a complicit agreement by government that anyone claiming is attempting to find work, yet most of us know people who don't fit that category - they are often happy to talk about what they do to avoid taking a job!

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Personally the "cant be bothered" people should basically not get any benefits and that way they would suddenly "become bothered" and actually get off their arses and look for work.


I just hate spungers who rely on benefits because they dont want work, lazy bitches. I blame the system as they can claim for loads of stuff and probably why the dont work.


must agree with spiderpete here i think that to get benifits you must prove you are looking for work or be doing somthing to improve your prospects.

I fill a book in that i get from the jobcentre that "called looking for work" that i fill with the details of everything i do to find work.

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