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People on Benefits should have to give time to community

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For pride and satisfaction Rich :) Sell yourself on, let them know your disability won't restrict your ability to do the job in question. By not trying you are letting people walk all over you and creating the impression you don't try or care.




When I first came to Sheffield I was full of confidence that I would find a suitable job in no time. I didn't even bother signing on as I had redundency money etc in the bank. Six or seven lengthy and fruitless interviews later I started to feel a little less 'proud and satisfied'. Then the money ran out so I had to sign on and move to more meagre accomodation.

After this I dropped my sights a little and ended up in the call centre circuit, earning just over half my previous salary, and there I will probably stay.


My point is, thare are plenty of jobs available, but many of them are very poorly paid and the workers thought little of. I dont claim benefits but I have little to be proud of, especially when I have to scrounge money for busfairs at the end of the month.

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I agree with this post.


The only answer that i can think of to stop people relying on benefit, is some sort of sliding scale. If you havent found work in 6 months, your benefits should be cut.


The current method of people having to attend job interviews, just wastes employers/job centres time, as i have seen myself, when people just turn up and quite deliberatly make no effort whatsoever.





Agreed. I am fed up of arranging full days of interviews for applicants received through the job centre, only for them to not show up (they have the letter confirming the interview, that's all they need half the time), or turn up and be deliberately crap. I then still have jobs that need filling, plus go back to my office with a day's work piled up while I have wasted time waiting around for these people.

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Seems to be all about what you want, - I imagine you'd really like to see them chained together at the ankle to prevent them absconding.


Being unemployed isn't criminal...it happens to lots of people, often because greedy emloyers can make a little more profit by moving the job abroad. You'd apparently like too see the victims of such redundancy treated like convicts.


Hope it never happens to you.


I'd like to see the work shy tarred, feathered and paraded around Sheffield City centre under a sandwich board with the words "You work - I spend it!!" in large neon letters.

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Are you able to see this from an employer's perspective? Companies exist to trade and make profit, that's what makes the world go round whether you like it or not. If there is an able-bodied person who, for sake of argument, is equally qualified and experienced to you but does not need any support, they MUST give that person the job, or they would be failing to do their own jobs.



Employers are obliged to make adjustments to allow a person with a disability to do their job. They can claim the cost of these adjustments back from the government. It should not therefore infringe on their profit. The reason people with disabilities find it difficult to find work is plain and simple discrimination. Saying that companies MUST give the able bodied person the job is a sign of that discrimination. Unfortunately it is quite hard to prove if you have been discriminated against in this way, so very few companies have been taken to court over it. There's unlimited damages for whoever succeeds in this though.

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If we fill the time of people who are meant to be looking for jobs with community work, how will they be expected to attend for job interviews and the like at the same time? Surely that takes priority?


Further to that, if there is work that needs doing in the community, then why not make it a job, and pay someone to do it?


If we follow the op to it's natural conclusion, then we could sack everyone who works for the council, and force the unemployed to do the work for dole money! This is clearly rediculous, although it would improve the quality of some of the work :rolleyes:


I beleive similar ideas have been tried in Europe and Russia ...I think it was called forced labour...


Just think, we could knock down those unsightly coucil flats and build a nice labour camp.......

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Further to that, if there is work that needs doing in the community, then why not make it a job, and pay someone to do it?


If we follow the op to it's natural conclusion, then we could sack everyone who works for the council, and force the unemployed to do the work for dole money! This is clearly rediculous, although it would improve the quality of some of the work :rolleyes:


I beleive similar ideas have been tried in Europe and Russia ...I think it was called forced labour...


Just think, we could knock down those unsightly coucil flats and build a nice labour camp.......


Further to that if there was no one unemployed there probaly wouldn't be hardly any work to do in the community!

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Seems to be all about what you want, - I imagine you'd really like to see them chained together at the ankle to prevent them absconding.




LOL! Of course its about what I want. Cant exactly post a thread on what a stranger wants. Chaining together is not necessary- they may leave when they want - whether thay have stayed long enough to get any extra cash or not

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It's a myth that the royals spend each and every day packed with public engagements. Many of the tally of engagements announced at the end of each year include several short engagements on the same day, and engagements classed as work that the rest of us would class as leisure (for example attending Royal Ascot). So when they announce that the Queen has attended x number of engagements per year, it doesn't mean she was working that many days in the year. The Royals spend many months of the year on holiday - much longer than any of the rest of us could hope for. Get them picking litter!!!


I'm not much of a royalist but am quite certian that the queen has brought in(net) more money than you and your entire linage ever will, I belive that she has met and greeted more people than any other on the planet and is a constant ambassador of the highest order to this country. admittedly she is in her (absurdly luxurant) position by pure luck and birth'right' but do you think if you were in her shoes you would be her equal?


as for the original post no its a stupid idea.

If you were to propose that suitable jobs were lined up for those on benifits- say a choice of three- and the claimant refused with no good reason to take these jobs then I think it would be fair to incrementally cut their benefits off. which wouldn't take long.

however the last time I signed on I got £57 pw, how far do you think that streches once travel, gas, electric and food are accounted for? not very.

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People on benefits should have to give up some of their spare time to the benefit of the community. Examples of activities (lets not call it work and cause an outrage) they could do would be litter picking from green spaces, steward work at public events to give relief to the police (thats not 2 activities..). Upon completion of activity, a card is stamped and presented for benefits. No stamped cards = minimum benefits. Stamped cards = a bit more cash.


So, what happens if you end up on benefits? What happens if you cant work? It may happen!!! I hope it doesnt but then what would you do?

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I'm not much of a royalist but am quite certian that the queen has brought in(net) more money than you and your entire linage ever will, I belive that she has met and greeted more people than any other on the planet and is a constant ambassador of the highest order to this country. admittedly she is in her (absurdly luxurant) position by pure luck and birth'right' but do you think if you were in her shoes you would be her equal?


Clearly, yes, as she had done nothing to achieve her position, except being born.


Her shoes might not fit me though.

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