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Bobby Knutt

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Originally posted by Wavey

Without wanting to cause any problems with Mr Knutt.. it most certainly wasn't Donna Hartley (**cough** if you know what I mean). I think he was dancing with her to be honest, but he didn't like the thought that I was moving in on her ( even though I was with my wife at the time).


he normally opens staithes lifeboat day too, has done for years, dont think he has done for the past 2 tho

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Originally posted by liencam

Spill, spill, spill!!!


My missus (name escapes me) reckons she used to go to his wife's line dancing class in days gone by.


Sadly he missed the oppurtunity to be the funniest he ever has by not joining in.


Is that a Liencam I see before me??? Are they working overtime at the Civil Service nowadays or has Someone Got Internet at Home? ;)

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my abiding memory of Bobby Knutt is of being a 6 year old, my mum and dad were steward and stewardess of a Sheffield WMC, and we lived in the flat above. One Saturday evening the door to the flat opened and in walked bobby, with his pipe, and said "ayup kids, yer fatha says ah can watch misen on't telly, and you three 'ad better be quiet cos yer mam says if yer not I can gi yer all a skutch!!"

he sat there smoking his pipe and chuckling to himself on the marti caine variety show, while we 3 kids sat in total awestruck silence. He was a friendly and avuncular bloke, and after the programme patted us all on the head and said seeya later kids...

then went downstairs and did a typical 70's club comic turn, ho hum......

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