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What's the average wage? how much do you earn? POLL

What do you earn?  

203 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you earn?

    • under 10k per annum
    • 10 - 13k
    • 14 - 17k
    • 18 - 21k
    • 22 - 25k
    • 26 - 29k
    • 30 - 35k
    • 36 - 40k
    • 41 - 50k
    • 50k plus per year

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My comment isn't sexist, its practical.


Thats right. No cars and no houses. Veils too unless they are good looking. They should throw themselves at the feet of men and beg to be taken into a home.




Tbh, these days when ^H^H^H, if I ever find the right woman, she could well be earning more than me. Which sounds just fine. She can buy her own car and ferry herself about as I wouldnt want to be saddled being a chauffeur all the time.

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I earn about £16k plus bonus which pushes it up quite a bit to around £22k


My fella is a fireman on £26k a year.


We have a mortgage of £170,000 (ouch) which costs us £1000 a month. then we have £100 management fee (as its a flat) council tax £125, then all the bills.


It doesn't leave very much at the end of the month but we're happy, and we just love our apartment!


I just wonder how were gonna cope when the baby comes along in 6 months........ :o

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I'm not, I'm just saying if women were not buying houses, then it would reduce demand....... and the prices.


Some people think women shouldn't drive cars, but that is just sexist.


My comment isn't sexist, its practical.


Exactly the same could be said off men, or of all people over 5'8" tall, or under 5'8" for that matter.

If any group stopped buying houses it would reduce demand.

Now go back under your bridge for a while, no one is going to feed you tonight.

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I am between the 18-22 bracket but hopefully will be up there near the top in six months when I pass my exams :) I would really like to match this poll up with the age poll to see if there is a link between age and wages (which I am sure there would be but it would be interesting to see it) For the record I am 25.

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I am between the 18-22 bracket but hopefully will be up there near the top in six months when I pass my exams :) I would really like to match this poll up with the age poll to see if there is a link between age and wages (which I am sure there would be but it would be interesting to see it) For the record I am 25.


I'm sure there's a pretty strong correlation, nobody starts work at 18 or 21 on 40k+ (unless they're working in the city).

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  • 6 years later...

I took out a mortgage in 1989 for £26600, and that was costing me around "£200 per month.

I was earning around £19000 then and the mortgage was an endowment type. Since then I have changed it to a capital repayment mortgage which is a much more stable way of doing things.

Since then I was made redundant twice, but now I have a reasonably stable job and I earn £20000.

My wife also earns £16000, so we are comfortable especially when you consider that my mortgage comes to an end in late 2014.


---------- Post added 27-11-2013 at 09:02 ----------


I hope that your situation does not change, because it could be financially devastating with a mortgage that big. My mortgage is £171 per month and ends in 2014. Thank God.

I earn about £16k plus bonus which pushes it up quite a bit to around £22k


My fella is a fireman on £26k a year.


We have a mortgage of £170,000 (ouch) which costs us £1000 a month. then we have £100 management fee (as its a flat) council tax £125, then all the bills.


It doesn't leave very much at the end of the month but we're happy, and we just love our apartment!


I just wonder how were gonna cope when the baby comes along in 6 months........ :o

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You must be either lying or stupid. Given that there are several people who post and read SF and work for HMRC service.


i think you will find hes not doing anything illegal just creative accounting! maybe "fiddling" mileage was a bad choice of words better to say manipulating mileage:hihi::hihi:

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