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Does anyone remember Maugerhey, Norton?


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Hi Kathleen,

Lesley Marshall was in my class and I knew Richard Coupe, he was a year older. His buddy for many years was Bill Pinkney whose sister Norma was also in my class. People who lived close to you that I knew quite well were The Vardys, Sylvia, Alan and Geoffrey and also Roderick Flint.I remember Richard being in a very serious car accident when he was a late Teenager and taking a long time to recover.By the way I am Michael Hughes and lived on the Meads.If you want to chat contact me at mrhughes@mail.com.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Mikeyh.

Sorry about the delay in answering mate. Christmas and Grandkids you know.

Yes I knew Richard Coupe. The Vardys are still there according to my sister in

law Julie. She married my younger brother David. He is 10 years younger than me.

They live along Henley Avenue. The odd one out in our family was/is Eileen.She is 2 years older than me.


Anyway Mikeyh. If we don't speak before. A happy Christmas to you and your family. All the best mate. Kathleen.

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Hi Kathleen,

I am not related to the Electrical Folks, however if they are rich I will look into it.When you mentioned Eileen she rang a bell, but I am having difficulty in remembering your family.When did she go to Norton Free and who were her pals ? I hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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Hello Mikeyh.

I know what you mean about being rich! We won a little on the Lottery last week. It was only a Tenner. Last time we won anything,was about 6 years ago. That was a Tenner as well!


My sister Eileen and I, Used to hang around with Lesley Marshall and her sister

Ann. Eileen became rebellious. Mum and Dad had to rectify her mistakes. She went to Leeds. We do not hear anything from her.


All the best mate. Kathleen.

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I was in a W H Smiths in Keighley yesterday and saw a book on Old Norton. I thought it was about a Norton in the Dales but it was about that Norton that you are on about. There are some great photos' of characters and places, like building of Norton school and of some of the classes and teachers.

I am from Sheffield but not Norton.

Maybe the book is on sale in Sheffield. It must be if is on sale in Keighley.

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I lived on Maugerhay when I first got married in 1966 - we were the very end cottage at the bottom of the lane.


The Julie you refer to worked with me at Hallam University for "donkey's years" and I remember David Athorn when he was very young on Maugerhay.


We left Maugerhay in 68 because the cottages were due to be demolished.

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry to join in the discussion so late on. My great-aunt Ada Linacre lived at Maugerhay in a stone built house, not one of the cottages, along with her daughter Vera who married Cyril Archer. One of my friends lived in one of the cottages - his name was Piers Coupe - I think his mother was Betty Coupe.

All the locals pronounced the name of the little lane as "Maggithay" and were surprised when a road sign appeared at the top of the lane spelling it Maugerhay. I live in Cheshire now and have called my house Maugerhay in honour of my great-aunt. I have one remaining aunt who lives in Norton near to the New Inn.

My great-aunt was the caretaker of Norton Free School for many years in the 30s. I attended Norton County Primary on Derbyshire Lane from 1952 - 1958 and we were very envious of the Free School pupils because they got extra holiday for potato picking.

My great-aunt's house was quite large for the times and beautiful inside with lovely furniture and carpets - but despite all this had no bathroom or lavatory. The lavatory was an old-fashioned so-called earth closet in the garden which was emptied periodically by the council. It was spotlessly clean and had no odour. I can only presume that there was no mains water.

I lost touch with Piers many, many years ago. We used to go to the youth club held in the Church hall.

I would be delighted to hear from anybody who remembers Norton in the late 50s - early 60s.

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