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Culinary chaos at the Devonshire Cat


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After waking from my booze fuelled slumber I decided that I would take a wander to the nearest hostelry that, would be serving hot food. The choice made by myself and my girlfriend was the Devonshire Cat. For some unbeknown reason one of our friends had recommended this as a good place to eat (to put things in context my friend obviously has lost all sense of taste).

On arriving we were greeted with the less than enthusiastic smile and afternoon by some guy with is shirt partly tucked into his ill fitting Black trousers and hair like a busted mattress.

Once served with our continental style beers we proceeded to an empty table to review the culinary offerings and after a brief flick through the 2 page veritable bonquet of delights, I settled on the Blue cheese burger (this is possibly where it all went wrong). Prior to ordering I had discussed with my girlfriend whether or not to order additional chips as I'm sure you will agree the norm is around 30 chips (15 under cooked and 15 cremated) but on her advice and as my friend had said this was the place to eat then I would take pot luck and see what came.

We sat for another 20 minutes then "IT" arrived looking less than dazzling and I proceeded to scan the plate to see what I had spent my very hard earned cash on. On review I encountered the following,


1 burger that looked like it had been cooked on a coal fire (embers attached) covered with the thinnest slice of blue cheese.

1 breadcake burned (possibly on the same coal fire.

20 chips, all well over cooked. how on earth does someone burn every chip.

1 limp lettuce leaf.


Sad to say that as I was now ravenous, I would attempt to consume the above and with a few dditional condiments would try to disguise the additional fossel fuel flavour.


10 minutes of chewing later it was over and the plate was pushed aside, it was over and I was glad.


Then finally he arrived again looking like ripped up sheet, swooped, took the plate and never asked the one question I was hoping for "was everything ok" but no, not a chance to berate this shambles on legs or the less than capable and so called chef.


So its come to this and I have to air their dirty laundry online.


Message for the Management of this establishment,


New chef, staff that can dress themselves or a price policy that reflects the total lack of satisfaction received by each customer who is unfortunate to choose something from the menu.


:gag: :gag: :gag:

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Some people are so up their own on here aren't they!?!?!


"Well why didn't you send it back"

"Well you should have complained"

"Well I wouldn't have paid"

"Well it's your own fault that the chef can't cook"




I'd write i letter to the manager and see if you get any joy mate!


A few of my mates like the Dev Cat, personally I think it's awful.


It is beyond me how they manage to sell pints of Goat's Urine, and bottles of Cat P*ss at £3.20 a chuck! O wait... I do know how they get away with it... because it's cool to drink forign obscure lagers that no one has ever heard of. SO everyone stands there with there bottle of Urinedinger going "Ooo, this is a lovely drop"... and someone turns and says "Ooo if you like that you want to try Sheep's intestine-a-hoff, it's really smooth"



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A few of my mates like the Dev Cat, personally I think it's awful.


It is beyond me how they manage to sell pints of Goat's Urine, and bottles of Cat P*ss at £3.20 a chuck! O wait... I do know how they get away with it... because it's cool to drink forign obscure lagers that no one has ever heard of. SO everyone stands there with there bottle of Urinedinger going "Ooo, this is a lovely drop"... and someone turns and says "Ooo if you like that you want to try Sheep's intestine-a-hoff, it's really smooth"




Erdinger is a wheat beer, so if you expect it to taste like lager you're bound to be disapointed. ;)


On the other hand, they are very slow on the food front (and the food is only so so). Then again it's no worse than any other pub for food IMHO.

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Erdinger is a wheat beer, so if you expect it to taste like lager you're bound to be disapointed. ;)


On the other hand, they are very slow on the food front (and the food is only so so). Then again it's no worse than any other pub for food IMHO.


TBH, my rant wasn't really directed at Erdinger, it's just Urinedinger sounded good! :hihi:


my rant was more directed at lagers such as Cruz Campo and the like! I tried one about 3 weeks ago - some french cr*p from a bottle - TASTED like HAIR SPRAY... No kidding HAIR SPRAY


I could have bought a bottle of hair spray for a lot cheeper! :rant:

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Some people are so up their own on here aren't they!?!?!


"Well why didn't you send it back"

"Well you should have complained"

"Well I wouldn't have paid"

"Well it's your own fault that the chef can't cook"




I'd write i letter to the manager and see if you get any joy mate!


A few of my mates like the Dev Cat, personally I think it's awful.


It is beyond me how they manage to sell pints of Goat's Urine, and bottles of Cat P*ss at £3.20 a chuck! O wait... I do know how they get away with it... because it's cool to drink forign obscure lagers that no one has ever heard of. SO everyone stands there with there bottle of Urinedinger going "Ooo, this is a lovely drop"... and someone turns and says "Ooo if you like that you want to try Sheep's intestine-a-hoff, it's really smooth"




Your right, I shall write a letter and deliver it in person.

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