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Burnaby Street WMC


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Just thought I'd jog a few more memories.

My dad, Ken Madin was the organist at Burnaby Street during the late 60's. He always smoked his pipe on stage and, towards the end of his time there, always signed off with the "Parkinson" theme music. The drummer was 'Pete'.

My brothers and I were sometimes allowed down on Sunday lunchtimes. There were some great acts on, the one I especially remember was a three piece comedy outfit called 'The[something] Discoes'. Sometimes, my brother and I were allowed to work the curtains by pressing the button in the concert sec's little cubicle - what innocent pleasures!

I also seem to remember that the main doors to get into the club were a little bit vicious on their springs (or was this just to little boys) and caught me many a time.

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yes i remember brian,still see his daughter jane around hillsborough,his mom and dad used to sit just in the doorway as well,do you remember cliff,the man who limped


i remember cliff, small man with grey hair, had a raised soul brown boot and walking stick, this was about 1982 (ish) mum and dad took over the snack bar upstairs next to the snooker room, until it closed

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i remember cliff, small man with grey hair, had a raised soul brown boot and walking stick, this was about 1982 (ish) mum and dad took over the snack bar upstairs next to the snooker room, until it closed


yes hes the one,i used to go in the club when i was only 15 with my sister and brother-in-law,i once saw cliff on a bus coming down stannington rd as i was making my way up to school in my uniform,i was worried he would spill the beans because he was on the commitee,but he either didnt or he hadnt recognised me

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