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Marco at Milano restaurant


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My family ate there in November - there were seven of us and the food was excellent, service impeccable and the wine was good. Pricey but I would rather pay for food that is cooked to order than something warmed up in a microwave. Sheffield is lucky to have such a restaurant. I live in Wolverhampton - people here wouldn't know good food if it jumped up and hit them. Nonna's on Eccleshall Road is good too.

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  • 1 year later...

As I've said before in this thread, Mrs B and I haven't been to Marco's for a few years as a result of poor experiences on two consecutive visits.


But, since my Mum was in town I thought it might be worth giving them another go.


A table was available, but I was asked to pay a £10 deposit per head to book for a Saturday evening.


EH ?? Why ? I've only heard of this on one other occasion (at a restaurant in London) and I didn't go there either.


I don't care how good their restaurant is (or how good they think it is) this is completely unjustified IMHO.


Very poor, Marco, very poor.

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Hi,thought i'd set the record straight. I am a regular at Marco @ Milano and and when they started asking for a deposit on a Saturday i too questioned it. The reason they do this is because on a few occasions people have booked tables and not turned up, i was told on one occasion this happened three times in one night! this is a way of ensuring that the tables that are booked out will acutally be used. It is only a deposit and the money is taken off your bill, if you can't make it on the night but you do call to let them know,you can use your deposit on another occasion.

It's a shame when people who don't realise this is a family run business, put negative comments on forums like this when they have no good reason and if they had asked for an explanation to why the deposit is required they would have been given one.

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The reason I didn't ask for an explanation is because I'd worked out for myself that the deposit is to minimise the loss of income from no-shows.


But aren't no-shows a problem for any restaurant ? What makes Marco's so different ?


If I book a table and then can't go, I phone the restaurant and tell them - I appreciate that not everyone does, but I'm not being negative, I just don't see why they should be different from virtually any other restaurant I've ever been to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What's it like there at the moment tho? Is it better than most other places??? I loved Nonnas when it first opened, right up until the bar opened as it is now - Is it like Nonnas was, or better??? Hoping it's great as I want to have my birthday there;)

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The reason I didn't ask for an explanation is because I'd worked out for myself that the deposit is to minimise the loss of income from no-shows.


But aren't no-shows a problem for any restaurant ? What makes Marco's so different ?


If I book a table and then can't go, I phone the restaurant and tell them - I appreciate that not everyone does, but I'm not being negative, I just don't see why they should be different from virtually any other restaurant I've ever been to.


I think you will find that almost all the really successful restaurants, Fat Duck, El Bulli, etc require at least a creditcard number/reference when booking. If it works for Marco, then good luck to him, he's been around long enough to know what he is doing. If you book a seat at the theatre you pay for it before you go - difference?

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Milano's is very good, but I wouldn't put it in the same league as El Bulli. Has the Fat Duck reopened?


I believe it has re-opened.


El Bulli may be in a different 'league' but they operate a system which mitigates their losses in the event of a booking not turning up. Marco does the same as he obviously feels he can afford to. As I said previously, good luck to him. I would do exactly the same if I ran a restaurant which was regularly turning away bookings on Friday's and Saturday's then looking at an empty table when someone doesn't turn up.

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I believe it has re-opened.


El Bulli may be in a different 'league' but they operate a system which mitigates their losses in the event of a booking not turning up. Marco does the same as he obviously feels he can afford to. As I said previously, good luck to him. I would do exactly the same if I ran a restaurant which was regularly turning away bookings on Friday's and Saturday's then looking at an empty table when someone doesn't turn up.


Fair enough. Tried to book a table at El Bulli, but you have to book months in advance, so went to Cellar Can De Rocca in Girona - it was amazing.

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