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Are there any Miners on here

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Are there any Miners out there.


I want to pick your brains about a pit lamp.


Ive been after a lamp for years and finaly got one this week and Im wondering how it was lit.


My grandad had a few lamps from the pit he worked at in the north east and they where all the "Re lighter" type, with the little "key" on the side which operated a flint inside to light the wick. I was told this was a Deputys lamp as they were the only men allowed to light a lamp under ground.


The lamp Ive got though dosn't have this key, instead there is the wick as normal with two terminal posts next to it and a small piece of wire running between the posts.

I was told that this type of lamp was lit with the aid of a battery in the lamp cabin before been taken underground. But how was it done?


The only thing I can come up with is if a current is passed between the body off the lamp and they small tin base under the glass it sholud run through the wire.


Its driving me daft trying to work it out. Also what kind of oil is needed to run it?

While I dont think I would light it, even if I could, it would be great to know how it was done.


Thanks... hj

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I put a post on the forum last week about pit lamps, but Ive had no replies and though I might try it in another section.


Im looking for advice on linghting a pit lamp. Its not a "relighter" like the deputies had, Ive been told, but a battery lit type.


Aparently they were lit using a battery in the lamp cabin then took under ground.


So what I need to know is:-

How was it lit and with what type and voltage of battery?


The bloke I was speaking to called it a Garfoth lamp, if thats any help.


While we are talking about pits, has anyone got any stories of mining in Sheffield. I come from the North East, and was brought up with pits and find their story fascinating. Ive heard of the Nunary and Beighton but were there any more and what was the story of Orgreave ?



Thanks ...hj:thumbsup:

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  • 6 years later...

Most probably the battery terminals were connected to a wire and the case. The case is probably made of brass so would have low resistance to current flow. There is probably a bit of heater wire near the wick which glows and causes the wick to light. Get a torch battery +ve and a torch lamp and connect them in series to the wire and the battery -ve to the case and see if the lamp lights. Or get a multimeter on the OHMS range and touch the wire and the case and read the resistance.

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