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The old houses off Penistone rd


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I was getting a friend interested around Penistone Road area and she told me she didn't remember much but until 6 she lived in Hicks Road at the back of Hillfoot club. Any memories anyone.


I lived oposite the club Hobson Ave 1940 -1964 remember it like yesterday

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Hi Flyer,I might be a young un but my brother was born in 1936.You might have known him Brian Marshall.Sadly he died when he was 59.He too lived in Canada,in saskatoon.

names have long since gone but i do remember having big st battles down your st with roll up newpapers haven't the faintist idea why or with whom that was in 46 someone threw a rock and split my head open but was ok dad just spit on it:hihi::hihi:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Royal Regular


The shop you mentioned opposite the end of Grant Road used to be owned by a lady whose married name I forget but her brother Cyril Pont used to sit in a wheelchair outside the shop.


He was a victim of the WW1 where he lost both of his legs.


He was blown up by the same shell as my uncle who lost one of his legs.


I remember them both vividly from when I was a kid.


I also remember some of the kids Godfrey Hayes, Ken hunt, Gordon Pearce, Barry Swanstone, Walter Staniland, Bob Dinsdale, Keith Mclean, Walter Staniland, Kenneth Horne,Joe Sanderson, Arthur, Lawrence & Ruth Wright, Ann & Roy Pollard, Johnny Crapper, David Tomson, Keith & BrianTaylor, George Savage, Malcolm Shirley, Sheila Leach, Brian Jones, Gordon Teanby, Brian & Barry Blackburn, Ken Youle, Randy, George & Maria Barthomlew, Wendy & Roy Broadley, David Douthwaite, Ronnie & Raymond Cole, Eden, Dougie & Arthur Hague, The Glover boys, Peter Timmins, Michael Heath, Pat, Faith & Michael Slater, Fred, John, & Allen Harrison, Barry Boulby, The Trickets, David Duncan, Reggie Mathewson, Barry Radcliffe, Stanley McCreath, Peter Cooper.Eric Ramsden,Kenneth & Carol Hirst, Chris Softley, Kieth Mclean, Jack Shaw.

There are more but I cannot place the names, I would love to hear how they all faired in life.


They were a great set of kids playing street games and up to all sorts of antics, a real lively bunch.


Happy Days!


Oh dear how time flies, I remember a lot of those names,although some of them were my brothers age John Walsh who would have been 70 now,we lived in Owlerton Green opposite Swann Mortons.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Does anyone remember the bandstand in Hillsborough Park?


Just to jump back a few posts: I remember it well, too. We used to parade there in our new Whit clothes for the 'Whit Sing' – after we'd been round all the neighbours, showing them our new clothes and getting threepence for the privilege!


I have no memory of it at all, but on my first Whit Sing Sunday, aged three, I was dressed up in my beautiful new white clothes quite a while before we had to set off for the church. Big mistake...I apparently decided to pass the time by playing in the coal hole! When my Mum called me in from the yard I emerged from the brick coal hole, with an innocent expression and black bright from head to foot. :lol:


Going back a few years...or decades (I was talking abut the 1960s, as I'm a relative young 'un), does anyone remember the Parker clan from the ABC streets? They weren't all called Parker, as of course some of them were women, so they had different surnames – but they all hung around together, all went to the Hillfoot Club together, and all went on holiday together (renting several caravans but still sleeping three or four to a bed). One of the surnames was Sullivan – Vin Sullivan was the steward at the Hillfoot Club for a long while – others were Dobson, Hazell, Baum and Hobson.


I tried to post links to a couple of photos of them, but the site won't let me until I've made five posts. :( Never mind.


As many have said...happy days!

Edited by iKitty
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