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Carbon monoxide alarm went off


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I have bumped this thread because a couple of days ago i bought a carbon monoxide tester as i have been feeling out of sorts lately and tonight it went off.

it was showing a reading of 400ppm and teling me to evacuate immediately, i called the emergency gas people who have just condemmend my whole heating system so it is going to be a cold few days for me and my son until i manage to get it sorted.

I am so glad that i got one of these things and dread to think what could have happened if i had not got one.


Please go out and buy one, it may just save your life :)


thats scary stuff, thank goodness you got one! x

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I know of 2 other people who nearly died from monoxide poisoning, it really is much more common than we think. Well done you for acting, it almost certainly saved your life. I take it you've not been put in a hyperbaric chamber? They did with my friends, they had to force the hemoglobin in the blood stream to release the monoxide that it had bonded to (meaning it couldn't carry the oxygen around).


*passes blanket*!!





No not has any of that :gag:

Just felt slightly off key for a few weeks and something was nagging in my head to get a detecter.

I am sooooo glad i did but by god did i panic when the thing went off :hihi:

If there is one thing i cannot cope with in life it is not being in control of myself and with carbon monoxide you can't smell, taste,see or hear it so it was almost like fighting and invisble ghost that wants to kill you but you can't see when its going to strike next..

I urge anyone that if there is one thing to buy then buy the detecter as it may just save your life :)

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if you were cooking in the kitchen for a long time with doors and windows shut, you may have simply used up the available oxygen in the room for efficient burning of the gas, so what would normally have produced CO2, would now produce CO.


All landlords have a legal duty to ensure that gas appliances are maintained to minimum safety standards - student landlords have to provide an annual safety certificate, for example (not the same as a service).


If you'd managed to use up all the available oxygen, it wouldn't be too long before you'd passed out as well.

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Just using the gas hob - burning gas - creates carbon monoxide. It was probably that.


This is why you should never use your gas hob as a quick way to heat the kitchen.


The gas hob was not on and the detector was in the living room, it is the back boiler what is faulty according to the gas man yesterday....:)

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I have bumped this thread because a couple of days ago i bought a carbon monoxide tester as i have been feeling out of sorts lately and tonight it went off.

it was showing a reading of 400ppm and teling me to evacuate immediately, i called the emergency gas people who have just condemmend my whole heating system so it is going to be a cold few days for me and my son until i manage to get it sorted.

I am so glad that i got one of these things and dread to think what could have happened if i had not got one.


Please go out and buy one, it may just save your life :)


Hi. Thankfully you are savvy enough to have a carbon monoxide alarm. They are designed to go off at low levels to keep you safe. Just so you know at 400ppm the symptoms would be frontal headache and nausea after 1 to 2 hours exposure. There would be a risk to life at this level if exposed to it for over 3 hours.


I wish people would take CO more seriously. There are deaths every year which could've been prevented.


If you require a visit I have a free slot in the morning and could call to give you some free advice.



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Thanks to all who have replied, i have since got this sorted with Jb heating who did an excellent professional job and luckily he did not detect any more carbon monoxide so we are thinking that i had the alarm plced too close to the appliance, he has given my boiler a full service and i am pleased to say that it has passed and i am now sat in the warmth.


It still freaks me out though to think that without the device i would be none the wiser so please people if you have not got one already then do go out and buy one :)

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went on a full training course on this 2 weeks ago, its amazing were carbon monoxide comes from. i would defo advise anyone to get one in there property, i will be buying mine soon, its just so not worth risking your life. they are ment to be located between 3 to 10 meters away from appliances.

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