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Wills and funerals...Have you decided?

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I drew up my first will when I was 18 and bought a house mostly so if the worse came to the worse and I popped my clogs my absent father wouldn't get a look in.

I updated my will a few years ago and at the same time made arrangements for my body to be donated to the university for medical research so there wont be a funeral.

Friends say I should alter my will again as some-one who was a very major part of my life is no longer so I'm idly consideing leaving more money to animal charities so my money grabbing brother doesn't get a huge windfall.

Does anyone know who might be interested in approx 2500 paperback sci-fi books as it stipulates in my will that I'd like them to go as a job lot and not be split up.

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I think its sensible to think of such things at a young age. You have responsibilities so its only natural to want to make sure things go how you would like. My Grandad hasn't made a will and won't give my dad any idea of what he wants to happen except for cremation...not very helpful for my dad if he dies first as he is next of kin but has no idea how he wants to divide his estate.


If anything happened to my mum and stepdad i'd be left to look after my baby sister (4 months old) this thought scares me to death, i've agreed to be her guardian if needed but i think that to lose my mum and take on the responsibility of raising my sister is my worst nightmare!

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I updated my will a few years ago and at the same time made arrangements for my body to be donated to the university for medical research so there wont be a funeral..


There will be if you die at the wrong time. There are period when universities, despite being willed bodies, don’t accept them.

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  • 2 years later...

I haven't and really should have done by now.


I don't really have anything to leave though. My only concern would be what would happen to LittleOuija. I want him to go to my mother if anything happens to me, but I'm not sure that would happen even if I said it in a will.

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