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Sheffield College of Art & Design - Printing Students


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Hi Mart!


I'd recognise the your nickname anywhere on the ether, but quite how you got it escapes me for the moment.


Do I take it that you worked at Northends as well? I guess you know I was there for a short time - 74/75? I'm just back from a short visit to Sheffield a few weeks ago. After an introduction from John Hallam I visited Bob (Two Sheds) Inman, the machine room Technician when we were at Psalter Lane, at his place on Kelam Island - Privit Printing. Great to catch up. He sometimes sees Chris Bray so eventually Chris may visit here. Sad that the college is redundant and closed up.


Jack Travis? Can't quite place him .....


Alas also lost contact with Keith B some five years ago but I'd love to get his contact details if you have them.


Dave H ..... can't quite remember the surname either but I do remember he worked at Doncaster Free Press and lived in Denby Dale.


Look after yourself, perhaps we should plan a reunion before we all get too old?


Best wishes P

Hello Paul just missed you at JWN,77 I started that's where I got the name seem to remember we all had one, jack was tall long dark curly hair I think he worked at Bescoby's. Now I recall Denby Dave was it Hobson. I met Bob a few times years ago he'd not changed [there's money in this game] remember that, Yes it would be nice to have a beer together, Iv'e no contact numbers now. Will try and put a few feelers out, great to hear from you again I'm off now to sunny Cyprus see ya mate.
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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I know this is an old thread, but . . . 'Every egg a bird' was one of George Dutfield's 'sayings.' He also liked to say: Some mothers do have 'em' (which he recited to me most days of my apprenticeship!). He passed-away a couple of years ago



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  • 4 months later...
I remember George Dutfield at nightschool in Norfolk St. and also the sayings you quoted, he could be very sarcastic but I had a certain liking for him unlike Ron Thomas who I absolutely hated.


The late Ron Thomas I remember very well. AKA "Thos", he was the works manager at Loxleys in the 70's. He was sharp, articulate and very very devious and cunning. Old "Thos" could smell if a bloke was slacking and nab him in a flash. From a management perspective I suppose he was the right man for the job, but probably the most unpopular bloke on the premises.

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  • 6 months later...

I went to Phsalter lane Tech 1960 - 1963, rembember Roy Milington well. I was an apprentice letterpress printer at E W Townsend & Sons on Emu Street, we shared premises with Harris Miller Cutlery works. I remember we used to often skip the evening science class and go to the pictures, oh happy days. Now live in Australia ( 40 years ).

I remember there was some great looking Art School birds there that we used to chat up at lunch breaks in the cafeteria.

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