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Does anyone remember Blaskeys


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One of the Blaskey girls used to own/run the Shack on convent Walk. My Mum worked for her in the seventies. She was known to the staff simply as "Miss Blaskey" :P


That would be Sonia Blaskey - as far as I know she's still going strong at 92!.:)

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If you worked on the switch as a stand-in, then I think you lived on Hackenthorpe as I did also, and you must be Susan. Can you guess who I am. I worked on the vans for a couple of years and then came in the warehouse. No, I'm not John Firminger but I'm still in touch with him. One or two more names to ponder over - Malcolm Linley, Alan Boden, Bob Reid (Jnr & Snr), Joyce Hunt (I was sweet on her!), Gloria ?????, Brenda ????, Miss Roebuck, and of course the famed Sharon Deuce!


I am indeed Susan.


Now, as to who you are? Hmmm?

Are you Tom?


I'm trying to remember Joyce Hunt but cannot put a face to the name. Oh hang on - Miss Hunt? Did she work in the same small office as Miss Roebuck?

Malcolm went out with Diane, who eventually married Brian Grant.

Sharon was playing a character in Coronation Street earlier this year.


You've not mentioned Melvyn Booker - Pat Mac (Macgillicuddy sp?) & Jean Thorley in pricing department. Marion ?


This topic has brought so many memories back to me.


I can still remember the taste of toasted teacakes from the sandwich place round the corner on Shoreham Street. They were a little soggy by the time they came back from there but none the less - delicious.

Do you remember the rooms we used to eat in? There was Ada and her kettle in the centre room with the men in a room at one side of her and the women in the other. How strange that would be today.

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I am indeed Susan.


Now, as to who you are? Hmmm?

Are you Tom?


I'm trying to remember Joyce Hunt but cannot put a face to the name. Oh hang on - Miss Hunt? Did she work in the same small office as Miss Roebuck?

Malcolm went out with Diane, who eventually married Brian Grant.

Sharon was playing a character in Coronation Street earlier this year.


You've not mentioned Melvyn Booker - Pat Mac (Macgillicuddy sp?) & Jean in pricing department. Marion ?


This topic has brought so many memories back to me.


I can still remember the taste of toasted teacakes from the sandwich place round the corner on Shoreham Street. They were a little soggy by the time they came back from there but none the less - delicious.

Do you remember the rooms we used to eat in? There was Ada and her kettle in the centre room with the men in a room at one side of her and the women in the other. How strange that would be today.


You've got it!! I am Tom Porter. Shame on me for not mentioning Melvyn as you were courting him. I can't remember if it went further as it's a long time ago. I left in 65 so that's 44 years, makes me feel old! I retired in May 2004 to prepare for OAP status, which I achieved in April of this year, so I'm now an expert, having had five years practice. Are you still working?


I do remember the other people you mentioned, there was also Harry Bennett, Peter Jackson, Colin Craft, Reps Ron Stanley, Bill Fraser (Och Aye!) and Brian Rattigan, who replaced Stan Marsh as Manager. Oh, and there was Mr Whittaker. And Frank Miles, who played guitar with Dave Berry. Have we missed anybody? I'll keep jogging the old grey matter. Do you still see any of the people we've mentioned? I'm hoping to see John Firminger before Xmas. I did see Joyce once in Rotherham, but thats a number of years ago. Just remembered two more names, Kevin, whe driver who had a bad accident, and Charlie Fenton, another driver. Oh, and then there was Megan, her husband was called Jack. Surely we've not missed anybody, or have we? Yes, Ron Batty, the wee diddy man who had a little yellow bubble car. Where will it end?Not thought of anybody else - YET!

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Wow Tom! Your memory is a lot better than mine. I do remember most of those names though, now that you'd jogged the old matter in my brain.


Who was Joyce Hunt? I thought that was the person that shared an office with Miss Roebuck - but just remembered that was Betty somebody.


Frank and his lovely wife Barbara, used to give me a lift home to Hackenthorpe sometimes.


I haven't lived in Sheffield for many years. We left there in February 72 to live in Zambia. My husband was seconded by the British Government, to work for the Zambian Government.

We were there for almost 6 years before coming back the UK. Eventually settling in Essex.


I didn't work for 16 years, after leaving Lombard Banking (where I worked after Gee's) as I was bringing up my two sons.


I packed in work in 2001 as I'd just had enough.


Anyway, enough of me, how are you?

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John Firminger - was he the lad with the white hair, lived in Hackenthorpe also?


The was a short girl who had a very tall husband and he used to pick her up from work in one of those funny tandem sitting Messerschmitt cars.


Stan Marsh was very father-like to me. I really liked him. Couldn't stand Brian Rattigan when he took over. He used to be a rep there didn't he?

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John Firminger - was he the lad with the white hair, lived in Hackenthorpe also?


The was a short girl who had a very tall husband and he used to pick her up from work in one of those funny tandem sitting Messerschmitt cars.


Stan Marsh was very father-like to me. I really liked him. Couldn't stand Brian Rattigan when he took over. He used to be a rep there didn't he?


You got it right with John Firminger. I can't remember anybody else having a bubble car apart from Ron Batty who I mentioned. I'll wrack my brain and maybe ask John as well. Well, we obviously both have the same sentiments re Stan Marsh and Brian Rattigan. I hate to say it but I would think that Stan is no longer with us, as will be the case with quite a few of the names mentioned. Joyce Hunt was quite small and well built (I don't mean fat). I did take her out a couple of times but that was all. Another name that just came to mind is Terry Mills, another driver.


I left Gee's in 65 and went to work at Bramah's in Halfway in the X-Ray Dept. inspecting aircraft components. I worked in aerospace right up until retiring and finished up in charge of the Non-destructive testing department at a subsidiary of Rolls Royce.


I got married in 1967 and am still married to the same lady, and guess what, I am now a great-grandfather. We still live local to Hackenthorpe, in Wales. That is Wales near Kiveton, not land of my fathers.


I seem to be reminiscing quite often at the moment, as I've only just got back in touch with John Firminger after a few years. We're also off to a reunion of my old Grammar School (Tapton House in Chesterfield) tomorrow evening, so I'm quite looking forward to that. I'm also off out next Friday to sink a few bevvies with an old work-mate from Bramah's. They were all good times with good people, a far cry from today. Just before I sign off, did I mention Doug James, the transport manager, and his fancy piece Wendy Dyer.

Well, guess what, more names have just come to mind - Don Gratwick, Ray Bamforth, Brian Moat, Don Staves (Gee's Pavarotti), Norman Driver (who was a driver), and another Norman who drove.


Remember the tea room at Norfolk Street, right down the back through the paint shelves? And yes, I do remember the cake shop next door, and the fabulous Xmas parties up in the offices.

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Tom - I'm going to PM you as we've deviated from the Blaskey's title.

So check your PM box.


Well I was going to - unfortunately private messages only allow for a certain number of characters. I'd have had to have broken it up into about four messages.

So will have to put it on here.


Tom, you will be at your school reunion right now. I hope you’re having a good time. I imagine you will have a lot more memories brought back this evening.


Crumbs, a great-grandfather! That’s unbelievable. I still visualise you as being tall, dark and about 19 years old. We wish eh?

So, from Gee’s warehouse to aerospace & Rolls Royce. That’s some jump.

My husband is very interested in aeroplanes. He actually built and flew – no, not a jet- but a Rans Coyote Ultralight. I only ever went up in it twice. The first time was an early evening flight and the sky was overcast. Quite a pleasant flight. However, the second time I went up was when he suggested flying down to Kent for lunch. The sky was blue with fluffy white clouds – not good! Well, not for flying, the turbulence was horrendous. Clutching my seat for dear life, I screamed to him to get me down. I was so pleased when he sold it. It's an expensive hobby.


I also married in 1967 (not Melvyn) and am still with the same man. We have two sons and 5 grandchildren. It’ll be a few years yet though, before I’m a great-grandmother. The eldest grandchild is only 13.

I went back to work when our eldest son started his A levels. I didn’t particularly want to get a job but my husband told me I was becoming a cabbage! Cheek! I worked at Marconi Research Laboratories in the accounts department. I left there, to then work for Essex County Council, again in the accounts department. The council sold off the department I worked in and it became increasingly unpleasant to work there. So in 2001 I decided to retire.


The Gee’s times were indeed, as you said, good days. You could walk the streets late at night without fear. Well, when I say late, the last bus used to leave Pond Street at 11.15pm. Today, some people are only just going into the clubs.


So many names Tom – so many memories brought back for me.

Were Pete Smith & Doug James the two who worked in the office next to Stan Marsh’s office? Pete had blond wavy hair? Silly I know but my main memory of that office was the big black Bakelite telephone.

I remember Stan Ogden and Mrs Dransfield sometimes didn’t get on all that well. One day they had an almighty disagreement, culminating in them both being dismissed.

Do you remember Doreen Vipond?

There were two people who didn’t work at Gee’s but used to go into the trade counter - Peter Swan & Tony Kay, they used to do a bit of painting & decorating as well as playing football. Football didn’t pay the silly money it does today.


As I haven’t lived in Sheffield since 1972 I don’t get the chance to bump into anyone from those days. I have often thought about and wondered what happened to some people though.


Crikey, just realised the time.

When I started this, you would have been at your reunion. By now, you’re probably in bed.


Please remember me to John when you meet up with him.

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Yes I remember the Blaskey's shop that was on London road opposite Alderson road. In later years, probably about '69/'70, I was working sub-contract to a building firm F. J. Glynn & Son. We built a big split-level bungalow for one of the Blaskey family in the Fulwood area, a very nice house with heating under the drive and all top quality fittings. Mr. Blaskey used to come onto the job a lot, he seemed to be quite decent sort and I remember he always had a huge cigar like a log in his hand.I had some good friends and lots of laughs on that site. H

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