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Corporation 97-99


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Ooh, do you by any chance know Pete who used to work there too?!?(If anyone on here does know Pete who used to work at Corporation up until sometime in '99 can you give him a shout and let him know someone would like to get in touch with him!!)




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Ahh memories:) I went to Corp at Bank street nearly every weekend. Back then I was an annoying little kid walking around with the Fred Durst hat on:rolleyes: Now i'm an annoying large 22 year old rocking away to Iron Maiden every Saturday:headbang:

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Thats the thing, I cannot for the life of me remember his last name. He had long straight brown hair and was VERY tall (6'4"ish) and used to get dressed up in the most amazing costumes for halloween!!

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Originally posted by Andy C

I remember when it was Cairos!


me too. I used to work there before the Corp had it...Saturday night DJ Pop pickers, the 70's night in the back room that became the classic rock room 3 weeks after Cairos ceased to exist. To say I was a bit miffed is an understatement, they killed off a perfectly good old fashioned style club, virtually the last unmodernised 70's club left in SHeffield, and killed my 70's night stone dead which had a very good patronage. The patronage was actually better than the Corporation got in for res rocks and they did well, so you can imagine how upset I was a DJ and a promoter. OK, I love rock music and was also a rock DJ, but I did not like having a successful night axed with TWO DAYS NOTICE.


But the owners, Starburst Leisure, had had enough off the place and wanted to move on. I remain eternally grateful to the CORPORATION for giving me a full 2 days notice my services were no longer required.........they kept on some of the old Cairos staff for quite a while but not me.....boo hiss.

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