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Lestat & Canadablade, The thread.


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Hey Buck, don't try to confuse poor lestat. He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer regarding stuff outside the sceptred isle.

He probably thinks that you're referring to Stanley Laurel. :hihi: :hihi:

That Toronto/ Montreal rivalry surpasses anything Wednesday and United can come up with. Not just hockey, theres the Alouettes and Argonauts as well. Pity the expos left.
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I've heard you're quite good at blowing the horn yourself? :| ... From a pink, canadian hermit ;)


seeing as you like history, mr i live in fir vale, just a little lesson . 1 which current football ground was built on a pig farm ? come on lestat lets think ,erm yes you are right ! swillsbro. 2 following on from point 1 which set of fans then called their rivals the pigs first ? yes foolish child ,us blades called you, porkers first. 3 which team first took balloons to matches only to be copied by their loathsome rivals, yes it was the blades. 4 which team created a huge flag only to again be copied by their rivals ? getting to be a bit of a pattern here me thinks dont you lestat . answer? oh go on then it was the blades again. i suppose their is more but it has got too boring ,us imaginative and you lot no originality at all . here is one last thought for you lestat if you are the only one porker with some imagination, think where you would like your lot to be in say 5 or 6 years time? in the premiership? spending 3 million on players? not owing over 20 million to debtors? not having to sell one of your assets because of the huge debt? again probably more to the list but anyone with a brain gets the message , us doing well you lot light years behind . cant wait to hear the response if there is one. if you want to reply it is to FREYAS DAD not mum that is writing this. oh one last thing when was the last time united fans were cowering in the pub because cardiff were outside waiting ? never -your a disgrace to sheffield

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seeing as you like history, mr i live in fir vale, just a little lesson . 1 which current football ground was built on a pig farm ? come on lestat lets think ,erm yes you are right ! swillsbro. 2 following on from point 1 which set of fans then called their rivals the pigs first ? yes foolish child ,us blades called you, porkers first. 3 which team first took balloons to matches only to be copied by their loathsome rivals, yes it was the blades. 4 which team created a huge flag only to again be copied by their rivals ? getting to be a bit of a pattern here me thinks dont you lestat . answer? oh go on then it was the blades again. i suppose their is more but it has got too boring ,us imaginative and you lot no originality at all . here is one last thought for you lestat if you are the only one porker with some imagination, think where you would like your lot to be in say 5 or 6 years time? in the premiership? spending 3 million on players? not owing over 20 million to debtors? not having to sell one of your assets because of the huge debt? again probably more to the list but anyone with a brain gets the message , us doing well you lot light years behind . cant wait to hear the response if there is one. if you want to reply it is to FREYAS DAD not mum that is writing this. oh one last thing when was the last time united fans were cowering in the pub because cardiff were outside waiting ? never -your a disgrace to sheffield


Dont expect a reply FD , He somehow manages to change the subject and avoid the asked questions :help:

Then he goes back to his ever witty, Canada is a 2nd best country, The Blades are a 2nd best team and Canada Blade is a hermit b*ll*x, that about his limit mate :hihi:

Even on the *wls thread they are asking for it to be knocked off :o

Regards CB


P.S. Classic post btw :thumbsup:

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seeing as you like history, mr i live in fir vale, just a little lesson . 1 which current football ground was built on a pig farm ? come on lestat lets think ,erm yes you are right ! swillsbro. 2 following on from point 1 which set of fans then called their rivals the pigs first ? yes foolish child ,us blades called you, porkers first. 3 which team first took balloons to matches only to be copied by their loathsome rivals, yes it was the blades. 4 which team created a huge flag only to again be copied by their rivals ? getting to be a bit of a pattern here me thinks dont you lestat . answer? oh go on then it was the blades again. i suppose their is more but it has got too boring ,us imaginative and you lot no originality at all . here is one last thought for you lestat if you are the only one porker with some imagination, think where you would like your lot to be in say 5 or 6 years time? in the premiership? spending 3 million on players? not owing over 20 million to debtors? not having to sell one of your assets because of the huge debt? again probably more to the list but anyone with a brain gets the message , us doing well you lot light years behind . cant wait to hear the response if there is one. if you want to reply it is to FREYAS DAD not mum that is writing this. oh one last thing when was the last time united fans were cowering in the pub because cardiff were outside waiting ? never -your a disgrace to sheffield


Yes, thats something you should feel really proud about.


And when was the last time a Wednesday fan fired a marine flare into a crowded group of people?


Its all pathetic.Porkers, piggies for gods sake grow up.Were all residents of the same city, we all work together, socialise together, and in many cases are related to each other.The only difference is some of us support opposing football teams.


If you think its OK to glamorise violence, or to encourage people to hate one another for something as petty as their football allegiance, I pity you, I truly do.

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seeing as you like history, mr i live in fir vale, just a little lesson . 1 which current football ground was built on a pig farm ? come on lestat lets think ,erm yes you are right ! swillsbro. 2 following on from point 1 which set of fans then called their rivals the pigs first ? yes foolish child ,us blades called you, porkers first. 3 which team first took balloons to matches only to be copied by their loathsome rivals, yes it was the blades. 4 which team created a huge flag only to again be copied by their rivals ? getting to be a bit of a pattern here me thinks dont you lestat . answer? oh go on then it was the blades again. i suppose their is more but it has got too boring ,us imaginative and you lot no originality at all . here is one last thought for you lestat if you are the only one porker with some imagination, think where you would like your lot to be in say 5 or 6 years time? in the premiership? spending 3 million on players? not owing over 20 million to debtors? not having to sell one of your assets because of the huge debt? again probably more to the list but anyone with a brain gets the message , us doing well you lot light years behind . cant wait to hear the response if there is one. if you want to reply it is to FREYAS DAD not mum that is writing this. oh one last thing when was the last time united fans were cowering in the pub because cardiff were outside waiting ? never -your a disgrace to sheffield


Well done, son. There really is nothing like bringing a bit of abject stupidity into an argument, is there? I can just about decipher what you said in that lot - and your evidence is where?


In the Premiership & spending £3m...on who?! Lucketti, Li Tie & Rob 'I love it up here on my own' Hulse? Woo-pee, sh*t! You are welcome to 'em sunshine!


And as for the last comment...brilliant, son! Nothing like promoting violence is there...i'd say *you're* a disgrace to Sheffield & i'm also guessing the majority of people will back me up on this one.


Bye now.

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Yes, thats something you should feel really proud about.


And when was the last time a Wednesday fan fired a marine flare into a crowded group of people?


Its all pathetic.Porkers, piggies for gods sake grow up.Were all residents of the same city, we all work together, socialise together, and in many cases are related to each other.The only difference is some of us support opposing football teams.


If you think its OK to glamorise violence, or to encourage people to hate one another for something as petty as their football allegiance, I pity you, I truly do.


I don't know why you bother Annoni_mouse, if you leave them to their own devices they will soon run out of steam. Lestat allows himself to be drawn into CB's net every time without fail, just ignore him and he will go away. Lestat, enjoy your football, at least you are able to get to Hillsborough unlike CB who is exiled far away, albeit in a very nice part of the world.

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Jazzy where have you been, I was getting withdrawal symptoms. Well done you lot for Saturday. :thumbsup:


Ey-up bro, nice one. You too. Had a very lengthy and almost alcoholic weekend watching the cricket & HAD to take the morning off work to sleep. Feeling a little hazy to tell the truth so may have to save the rhyming couplets & ting until tomorrow (oh, & I should be doing some work ;) )

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albeit in a very nice part of the world.


Someone who knows geography :thumbsup:

As for it losing steam, I dont post for a few days to let that happen and he starts this thread, Poor lad is obsessed :help:

Hes even started posting on the Blades thread now :gag:


Lestat would enjoy his football Crooksey,Its just he didn't even know where you lot were playing this week :o

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