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Lestat & Canadablade, The thread.


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S6 is where you need to be at - whether it's Burberry basbell or your Grandad's flat cap.


Up the field and in all-out attack or watching Magic smack down at the back,

either way we're ALL OF THAT!


So leave the Lane - it must be tortuous! See the light and be promiscuous - come and see the S6 exhibitionists. Like Michelle Marsh our sh*ts' the dreamiest. We'll rise again - we're Sheffield's creamiest.



A generous invite, if truth be told, but i'll stick with the Blades, mighty and bold.


I have to agree SWFC are like Miss Marsh, a bit of dog, or is that harsh.


Now I will bid you goodbye, on my way to pick up the missus from S6, quite close to the sty.


I'll wind up the windows to keep out the smell of all the little piggies in lower division hell.



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A generous invite, if truth be told, but i'll stick with the Blades, mighty and bold.


I have to agree SWFC are like Miss Marsh, a bit of dog, or is that harsh.


Now I will bid you goodbye, on my way to pick up the missus from S6, quite close to the sty.


I'll wind up the windows to keep out the smell of all the little piggies in lower division hell.




Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to see the Wednesday win away, hey!


Down out the Lane hear Warnocks pain he got his 'tactics right again'. 3-0 down, a collective frown from the clowns around the ground, hey!


Up the league the Wednesday go, will we ever stop? Not until we reach the top & bypass those who make the drop, Blunts!


Sheffield sings to the joy we bring to all those who know the deal, would we take a year at the top or will we keep it real, yes!

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think before you write fool. the reference to the last match of wednesday is that after this incident with cardiff a few fans that support wednesday thought it was funny to upset my wife and child because my car has united plates on . at the time she was visiting her grandmother . very brave of them but the usual story coming from your end . this is not the first time my family has had to deal with the cowardly actions of some wednesday fans , so get of your high horse and go back in to the background with your team. as i have said before, not in the same frame as united ,more akin to l--ds in yorkshire, loathed by everyone because of your arrogance at the thought you are still big teams . well here is the news at the moment you are not. just keeping your heads above water , just


Please look up the word 'paragraph', it will make your posts far more easy on the eye.

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seeing as you like history, mr i live in fir vale, just a little lesson . 1 which current football ground was built on a pig farm ? come on lestat lets think ,erm yes you are right ! swillsbro. 2 following on from point 1 which set of fans then called their rivals the pigs first ? yes foolish child ,us blades called you, porkers first. 3 which team first took balloons to matches only to be copied by their loathsome rivals, yes it was the blades. 4 which team created a huge flag only to again be copied by their rivals ? getting to be a bit of a pattern here me thinks dont you lestat . answer? oh go on then it was the blades again. i suppose their is more but it has got too boring ,us imaginative and you lot no originality at all . here is one last thought for you lestat if you are the only one porker with some imagination, think where you would like your lot to be in say 5 or 6 years time? in the premiership? spending 3 million on players? not owing over 20 million to debtors? not having to sell one of your assets because of the huge debt? again probably more to the list but anyone with a brain gets the message , us doing well you lot light years behind . cant wait to hear the response if there is one. if you want to reply it is to FREYAS DAD not mum that is writing this. oh one last thing when was the last time united fans were cowering in the pub because cardiff were outside waiting ? never -your a disgrace to sheffield



:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: Excellent! just pure class! :hihi: :hihi: Couldn't have asked for a better reply ever!! ha ha ha ha ha!


Just goes to show if unitedites had any brain cells they'd could be dangerous.


As for Canadapiggy condoning violence on this thread - it also shows how his pathetic little brain works too.


BTW, just a note to those amoeba-brained thugs that are united pigs.... I never said I didn't know where the Owls were playing - I said it's take me under 10 minutes to get to the HOME OF FOOTBALL... i.e Hillsborough. :rolleyes:


Jeez you lot are a total joke onto yourselves, what an embarrassment to Sheffield & Yorkshire.

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Well done, son. There really is nothing like bringing a bit of abject stupidity into an argument, is there? I can just about decipher what you said in that lot - and your evidence is where?



And as for the last comment...brilliant, son! Nothing like promoting violence is there...i'd say *you're* a disgrace to Sheffield & i'm also guessing the majority of people will back me up on this one.


Bye now.


I totally back you up on this one mate :thumbsup: only a fool would call those disgraceful rantings a 'Classic post' :(

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But Lestat, you rant a bit yourself and don't class us all in that bracket pal. :thumbsup:


I know mate, I got to admit I do love winding CP up, it's so easy to do... it's one main reason why I started this thread up :) Call me selfish! but it's such good fun, it's always easier when the oppositions intellectually inferior. :thumbsup:

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I know mate, I got to admit I do love winding CP up, it's so easy to do... it's one main reason why I started this thread up :) Call me selfish! but it's such good fun, it's always easier when the oppositions intellectually inferior. :thumbsup:


You couldn't wind up a top.:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:


All you have actually done by starting this thread is make yourself look a bigger plum than you already are :thumbsup:


Now I am going to wait for you to cut and paste a few examples of where you have wound me up :huh:


And show me where I condoned violence on this thread.

I was in H Block about 3 rows in front of where that flare was fired from.

Trust me I was disgusted by it and even more so when i saw that little girls picture in the Star the next day.

You wanna keep going with the insults then I have no problem with that but dont post UNTRUE sh*t on here about what i do and dont condone.

Thats twice now, like in baseball its 3 strikes and you are OUT !!!

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:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: Excellent! just pure class! :hihi: :hihi: Couldn't have asked for a better reply ever!! ha ha ha ha ha!


Just goes to show if unitedites had any brain cells they'd could be dangerous.


As for Canadapiggy condoning violence on this thread - it also shows how his pathetic little brain works too.


BTW, just a note to those amoeba-brained thugs that are united pigs.... I never said I didn't know where the Owls were playing - I said it's take me under 10 minutes to get to the HOME OF FOOTBALL... i.e Hillsborough. :rolleyes:


Jeez you lot are a total joke onto yourselves, what an embarrassment to Sheffield & Yorkshire.


Wow, not going to add much to this one...


...except, you've not got any more "reasoned" or "calm" since your foreign excursion have you ?


Lest*at the rambling loonie rolls on...



...and on...




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.and on...






















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