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Embassy Ballroom. Intake.


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Who remembers the Embassy Ballroom 1956? The fashion, music, & the fights!Stomping ground for the lads from the Manor,Arbourthorne, Woodthorpe, Woodhouse, Frechville, & Beighton! Not forgetting the girls like Mighty Atom! Long live the teddys'!

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I remember the Embassy Ballroom very well for one special reason, and my only visit there.

The Johnny Dankworth Big Band were playing at this venue, and being a Big Band fanatic,I still am!! me and a mate went to hear and of course see this great band,and for the first part of the evening the local slow,slow,quick,quick slow,group were playing their gentle repetoire,then at about nine 'o clock the big band took the stand,and the crowd all surged up to the bandstand,then POW! into their signature tune and two girls in front of us clapped their hands over their ears in shock,I do not think they had heard a sixteen piece big band in full cry before!

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I went to the opening dance at the Embassy and as far as I can remember I was 18. So would be probably 1954.

Think as I remember, it was an all night affair and I wore a green dress that belonged to my sister. (hope she is not reading this). I went with my cousin who got home earler than me and our dog wouldn't let her in, so she had to wait on the doorstep til I arrived home.


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I can remember the Teddy boys with their velvet trimmed suits, (? bobbing ) with their girlfriends, surrounded by clapping crowds, everyone else stopping to watch. The girls wore flared skirts with lots of lace petticoats underneath.

Never saw a bicycle chain I presumed they left them at the door.


There were two bouncers on the door, one big and dark and one smaller and fair haired. I met up with one of them years later at night school, he said his name was Harry but I could never convert him back in my mind as the young man I had known years before.


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The tall Dark Bouncer on the door, I think was "Lol Banks" a gentle Giant.

I used to go to the Tue's night "Beginners" where a few ladies would try to teach Ballroom dancing. They would prowl the room, and as in those days boys were still polite and respectful - - one didn't refuse a lady. For a dance lesson that is. Sort of Ballroom - - intersperseed with Rock and Roll type of evening. Happy Days.

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