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Name a favourite book that inspired you to write.


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my mother is a freak for anything written by someone who's been dead no less years that she's been alive, at this rate the old girl won't have anything to read by 2008! sorry, mom, love ya.


Anyway, that meant by the time i was twelve i'd gone thru everything from shakespear to tolstoy. evrone ! she made me summarise them for her. anyway, i dind't get all the thee and thous and started writing my own stories to read to her. but at some point i put my pen down-don't know why- and didn't pick it up again. until i read a book they said was shortlisted for the booker and thought '**** me, no one should have to suffer through this kind of ****, i'll write some antidote to all this.' so look out for the best thing to come out of africa since the guy who invented the glyphs;-)


this is jah work, only the mistakes are mine.

blessed rasta

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