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Ex Brook School pupils

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Emma Owen, is organising a 1988 re-union of "Brookies" on 17th July 2004 at The White Rose, Triangle.


Anyone who remembers her or who was in that wonderful year group would they please contact her via steven.rapley@ntlworld.com or me Nigel Borham at nigemath50@yahoo.co.uk


If you are a friends reunited member there are details under the Brook School info.



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Mr Boreham has kindly put the message regarding the reunion at the Whiterose.(if any ex Brookies are reading , yes the maths teacher).


But the years I left is actually 1988.


Because Brook close that year I am aware that other form years also moved to Handsworth Grange in 1988.


These people are also welcome (I have had a response from ex Brookies from this year).


Need any info then drop me a line.


The reunion is only a couple of weeks away.

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