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CLASSIC PINBALL machines at Dove and Rainbow


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AT LAST managed to source a games machine supplier who does pinball machines after 4 weeks of "sorry we dont do those any more, do you want a bandit, quiz machine or coffee/tea dispenser instead???"


Arriving next week at the Dove will be TWO classic pinball machines, not sure which ones yet but I cant wait to get my hands on them! When they are actually here and running I will re-post........probably have a pinball league running eventually......


X PINBALL WIZARDS IN SHEFFIELD...take note...we will be the ONLY pub in Sheffield Centre (AFAIK) to have pinball machines, (two of) and not computer game versions but the REAL THINGS!!!! 3 games for a £1, the classic price as well:thumbsup:

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I hear you have some stunning bands playing there in January, February and March ;)







There's a stunner kicking the live bands off next Tuesday I believe. Cough, ahem ;):headbang:


Goldenfleece, I'll probably pop in after work tomorrow for a pint, a butchers at the stage and to sort out setup times etc for Tuesday :thumbsup:

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