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We (the nation) are fat, and fat is bad

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Anyone who says that BMI is bunk because it doesn't work on athletes is missing the point - it's not meant to work on athletes. It measures the relative obesity of overweight people very well and that's all it's meant to do. Yeah the cut-off points are arbitrary and every person is different and all that but an obese person going from a BMI of 35 to a BMI of 20 is going to be much fitter and healthier no matter what.


This is true, but it doesn't give the full story for the benefit of calculating national statistics. There are other factors.


My BMI is 20.5, which puts me in the smug thin person bracket, but then I eat healthily and do a lot of exercise - anyone who says being fat is not a worse lifestyle, as the telegraph is, must be mad.

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Although obesity does exist, I can't help thinking that the media are deliberately overhyping it to shame non-participants into playing the weight game. A large part of the current vacuous church of celebrity culture is that being thin is everything, so people should make their weight the single most important thing in their life. If enough people stopped playing then the whole game would come crashing down, leaving the media looking very foolish.

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I was speaking to someone this weekend who is in the 'smug thin person' bracket with the correct BMI for his height.


Twelve weeks ago he had a new heart valve fitted and is a little cheesed off that he has wasted his time, running, playing football and generally looking after himself. To top all he always watched what he drank despite loving the odd pint or two, now he can't have any. :gag:


Don't get me wrong, if you have to have the fire brigade in to take out your gable end so you can visit the dentist it may be time to stop dodging the salads. :hihi:

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A large part of the current vacuous church of celebrity culture is that being thin is everything.........If enough people stopped playing then the whole game would come crashing down, leaving the media looking very foolish.


I doubt it, they can always fall back to their other messages "being beautifull is everything" or "being rich is everything" or "being rich and beautifull is everything"

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This is true, but it doesn't give the full story for the benefit of calculating national statistics. There are other factors.


My BMI is 20.5, which puts me in the smug thin person bracket, but then I eat healthily and do a lot of exercise - anyone who says being fat is not a worse lifestyle, as the telegraph is, must be mad.

How can anyone feel proud of being thin?

It is a sign of poor nutrition and bad health.

Think of the best looking people on the planet, non are thin, they are well fed, correctly proportioned people.

The thin ones among us, the poshes, mosses, etc with their ping-pong eyes and bony legs, are not in the least attractive. They are as off putting as someone who is grossly obese. :gag:

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How can anyone feel proud of being thin?

It is a sign of poor nutrition and bad health.


I don't think Timmy means "starved to death" thin, more what my nan used to call a "wirey build", like marathon runners have.

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