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Gay 70's style Roller Disco


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If someone will take the responsibility for selling tickets, I know the new owners will give it a go and no, you would not have to be gay to go, that would be discriminating, that was only a suggestion from a gay friend of mine


We could pick a Fri or Sat night in December between Xmas & New Year, charge £6 to get in (inc skate hire) and possibly run it from 10pm to 2pm

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I'm not sure I'm up for the responsiblity of selling tickets, but when you get it sorted (and between Christmas and the New Year is good for me!), PM me and I'll definitely come, and bring a few with me.


Can you hire boots, just out of interest?

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If someone will take the responsibility for selling tickets, I know the new owners will give it a go and no, you would not have to be gay to go, that would be discriminating, that was only a suggestion from a gay friend of mine


We could pick a Fri or Sat night in December between Xmas & New Year, charge £6 to get in (inc skate hire) and possibly run it from 10pm to 2pm



Thanks, Party Animal, for drawing our attention to this proposal in the first place, but if you are planning one for around 'Xmas/New Year' and haven't done any of the groundwork, time will be getting short, and people are already planning what they're going out to. I for one will be in London on thurs/Fri, then Ireland next week for a TV appearance and a charity show, and then in Ireland again over the 2 weeks Xmas/New Year Eve...


How about planning a LGBT roller-disco from late Jan/Feb when the students come back??? Maybe called 'Sex On Wheels', or summat?

It might be worth also contacting Psalter Lane Students' union committee re. organising this, as it was them who were behind the original 'Love On Wheels' discos last Summer!

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Tyranna who threw you out ? did you get your money back ? partyanimal who are you trying to kid ? You want someone else to do all the work for u as per usual.... ask yourself why the other nights failed ? Things would be good, successful and busy if organised, promoted and run properly...all in my opinion.

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  • 2 months later...

Hiya, Borough Gal, from Tyranna as performed in Takapuna the other week!


Was wondering why this thread was apparently resurrected.


I know a DJ who might be interested in putting on a new night, and perhaps he might be interested in a LGBT friendly roller disco event.


I've done a bit of ice-skating before, but I got my first pair of rollerblades in the January sales, and have even done a performance on stage with them! (Nothing fancy, though, just some dancing at walking pace, as I was worried about falling off the edge!!!)


I'd be willling to do Drag Hosting, on skates, of such a night whoever succeeds in organising it!

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Hiya, Borough Gal, from Tyranna as performed in Takapuna the other week!


Was wondering why this thread was apparently resurrected.


I know a DJ who might be interested in putting on a new night, and perhaps he might be interested in a LGBT friendly roller disco event.


I've done a bit of ice-skating before, but I got my first pair of rollerblades in the January sales, and have even done a performance on stage with them! (Nothing fancy, though, just some dancing at walking pace, as I was worried about falling off the edge!!!)


I'd be willling to do Drag Hosting, on skates, of such a night whoever succeeds in organising it!


Hi Tyranna! It was nice to see you at Takapuna's the other week! You were very good.


Well, hopefully, some good organiser will see this thread and sort something out. Fingers crossed!



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