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Someone claiming Higher DLA for ADHD?

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Hi people,

I know someone who has been put on the higher rate of DLA (disabled living allowence) but I dont think he should be.


He has been placed on it because they say he has ADHD and so cant consentrate enough to work and becuase he needs alot of help around the house.


Now I know this not true, Ive known him since I can remember and he has never had any trouble, yes he maybe a little slow at learning but he gets there.


He has passed his driving licence and has managed to complete Advanced ICT with flying colours. He sits at his computer everyday playing games till early hours of the morning.


The whole family are a set of hypercondriacts (spelling) and they never have anything wrong with them unless they hear someone else has it. For example, when we were at college together one of our mates who has ADHD badly and he went and had some tests done and found he can read stuff better if its on a certain colour of paper. The following week the person claiming the benefit booked himself in for this appointment and came back saying he could read better on a different colour. I didnt believe him 1 bit I think did it for attention.


Now I dont know much about ADHD but Im sure he hasnt got it as bad as he says, but even so, surly he shouldnt get higher rate. They took me off DLA a 2year ago because my mum forgot to fill in the form about me needing help at night.


What do you people think?

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Hi people,

I know someone who has been put on the higher rate of DLA (disabled living allowence) but I dont think he should be.


He has been placed on it because they say he has ADHD and so cant consentrate enough to work and becuase he needs alot of help around the house.


Now I know this not true, Ive known him since I can remember and he has never had any trouble, yes he maybe a little slow at learning but he gets there.


He has passed his driving licence and has managed to complete Advanced ICT with flying colours. He sits at his computer everyday playing games till early hours of the morning.


The whole family are a set of hypercondriacts (spelling) and they never have anything wrong with them unless they hear someone else has it. For example, when we were at college together one of our mates who has ADHD badly and he went and had some tests done and found he can read stuff better if its on a certain colour of paper. The following week the person claiming the benefit booked himself in for this appointment and came back saying he could read better on a different colour. I didnt believe him 1 bit I think did it for attention.


Now I dont know much about ADHD but Im sure he hasnt got it as bad as he says, but even so, surly he shouldnt get higher rate. They took me off DLA a 2year ago because my mum forgot to fill in the form about me needing help at night.


What do you people think?


I think that by discussing another person's legal matters, because your claim has not been successful, is a disgrace.


That a decision has gone against you is not the fault of the person of whom you talk, and you should stop now.

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personally in my own opinion (before anyone complains please note that this is in my own opinion) i do not believe ADHD exsists it only came around after we stopped caning children...until then no one had ever heard of it.


granted adult ADHD exists people over 30 yes, but most people under that are unruly children who can't bothered with schooling.



and i beleieve that if caning weas brought back we would never again hear of the words ADHD...ADHD is basically "i cannot control my child (or can't be bothered too) so s/he has the condition ADHD and s/he can't be blamed for what s/he does, IE:- tourch down a building...aww can't blame them they have ADHD"


i am probably gonna instigate an argument here but that is not my intention at all...i just believe this is the only reason ADHD ever came around.


conquer ADHD bring back the cane :P

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Yes its strange how all these conditions have suddenly appeared on the scene. If your kid coughs they have asthma, if they behave badly they have ADHD. The doctors now have plenty of excuses not to get too involved in real medical conditions when they have a blanket response to cover all ills.

I am not denying the existence of such conditions but I have no doubt the conditions are being milked to death.

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personally in my own opinion (before anyone complains please note that this is in my own opinion) i do not believe ADHD exsists it only came around after we stopped caning children...until then no one had ever heard of it.


granted adult ADHD exists people over 30 yes, but most people under that are unruly children who can't bothered with schooling.



and i beleieve that if caning weas brought back we would never again hear of the words ADHD...ADHD is basically "i cannot control my child (or can't be bothered too) so s/he has the condition ADHD and s/he can't be blamed for what s/he does, IE:- tourch down a building...aww can't blame them they have ADHD"


i am probably gonna instigate an argument here but that is not my intention at all...i just believe this is the only reason ADHD ever came around.


conquer ADHD bring back the cane :P


Perhaps you should look at your theory from a different perspective?


ADHD was never recognised (along with dyslexia, Autism etc) years ago Because the easy way to get children to conform was to physically beat/cane them into submission. This is why adults are now being diagnosed as having these problems, because they weren't just overlooked when they were children - they had it beaten into them that they were just 'stupid' or 'trouble causers'.


Luckily for our children they have people who actually care about them in the education systems and can be diagnosed early enough to put into place certain measures to make their life a little more comfortable.


Personally I would rather take the time to understand an individuals needs and work with them to get the best out of them possible, in a way that makes them want to, rather than just beat anyone who doesn't fall into particular guidelines.

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i do not believe ADHD exsists it only came around after we stopped caning children...until then no one had ever heard of it.


granted adult ADHD exists people over 30 yes, but most people under that are unruly children who can't bothered with schooling.

Wow! I bet that birthday is a corker then... when you go from being a child to being an adult and suddenly you are "allowed" to have ADHD. :o

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If the person has learning difficulties then they are entitled to put a claim in for DLA.

It is a broad spectrum but basically if they need a certain amount of care they can claim.

Dont know how much care, to qualify for the higher rate but isnt that his or her business.


Couldnt you reclaim again if you are sure you should be entitled to D.L.A

Whats stopping you.

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