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Someone claiming Higher DLA for ADHD?

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Hi i know this is a late comment, however, i came across this forum when researching ADHD. I am a mature student who was diagnosed with the disorder over 10 years ago. I dont think people can query the disorder and say that it is 'just a myth'.... As a child i was a nightmare, i take my hat off to my mother. I dont know how she survived my childhood! It was frustrating for her but imagine how frustrating it is for the child.


ADHD causes a lot of problems and more than often the "naughty child" is quite intelligent and has the ability to achieve a lot in life. The trouble is lack of concentration , inability to focus and lack of organisation takes over resulting in one hell of a frustrated child!

I was diagnosed after a teacher at high school referred to a behavioural psychologist. It wasnt because i was bouncing around the room in a rage or through screaming foul language. It was due to not been able to focus when spoken to and constant fidgiting. He gave me a task to do which i completed within no time however straight after my mind would wonder. I began medication, however soon refused to take it because it attracted the attention of bullies! As time went on i fell more behind in my school work so it wasnt a surprise when i left schools without any GCSE's.

Returning to education 10 years later i decided to seek help again after presenting with the same symptoms that haunted me throughout my school years. I am now taking medication that i should have stuck too! My concentration levels are better, i can focus on project/ assignment at a time. My thoughts are more organised. I have recently passed exams with flying colours. This has proved i had the ability i just needed a little help.

ADHD also causes a lot of other problems within my life, i suffer with anxiety and OCD. Which i manage myself.

I just wanted to post this to give my say on ADHD and is it a MYTH?? well i certainly dont think so ! (excuse the spelling)

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