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What Happened to Customer Service in This Country?

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Why is it so difficult to get any sort of resolution to an issue with big companies these days?


I have recently transferred from British Gas to Powergen but still can't get BG to close my old accounts. I've cancelled the direct debits, phoned them three times and emailed them twice. All I get is some stupid response like "we don't have enough information to process your request". As I owe them about £100 I can't honestly say I'm that bothered, but no doubt if it doesn't get sorted they'll sue me and then I'll have to fart around to avoid having a CCJ against me.


Same sort of problem with Virgin Broadband. Hopeless download speeds, unuseable pings for online gaming and all you get is facile emails asking you to phone a premium rate "support" line. I don't want "support", I just want the service I'm paying for.


What the f*** is going on.


PS try not to use the phrase "Indian call centre" in your answer, it'll only upset the mods.

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Certain companies have chosen to outsource their support centres which have caused many difficulties in terms of understanding culture and language...


No - seriously, I totally agree - customer service is pathetic - although credit to a couple of companies who I have had good experiences with recently - Orange and Morrisons to name a couple.


The thing is today, there is so much pressure on business to make money - the time and effort to recruit and train good staff, to then carry this through to "on the job" training and mentoring rarely exists. However, certain companies I think now realise that the key to any good business is in customer service and things are starting to change...


What is important though is that people vote with their feet...too many people put up with shoddy service and don't switch companies/providers - things will only change when consumers hit where it hurts - that is generally the bottom line!

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Why is it so difficult to get any sort of resolution to an issue with big companies these days?


I have recently transferred from British Gas to Powergen but still can't get BG to close my old accounts. I've cancelled the direct debits, phoned them three times and emailed them twice. All I get is some stupid response like "we don't have enough information to process your request". As I owe them about £100 I can't honestly say I'm that bothered, but no doubt if it doesn't get sorted they'll sue me and then I'll have to fart around to avoid having a CCJ against me.



Not surprised about British Gas. They are pants. A few years I moved house and the people living there before buggered off without paying the gas bill. British Gas kept on sending letters saying they were going to cut off the gas supply despite me ringing them and writing to them several times. Kept getting pathetic excuses like "you didn't return the form to the right address" - when I'd sent it in the friggin pre-paid envelope they had sent me. Eventually had to fax them about 4 times (given wrong fax for the first 3!!)


More recently some vile slimy toerag British Gas "Sales Rep" turned up on the doorstep who wouldn't take no for answer that we didn't want to change suppliers and practically demanded to see our gas bill! Door shut firmly in face :thumbsup:

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Customer service never existed in this country.


It's an American phenomenon that's as real as Father Christmas!:hihi:


You are so right.

You only have to look at the tone most of the posters on this thread take ... calling others names like plonkers, vile slimy toerag and some words that have expletives in. Can you imagine any of them in customer service ?


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BRITISH GAS - what a shoddy load they are!!!!


My M-I-L moved recently - council clearance property she was in. B.Gas didn't wan't to know about the meter readings until the day she moved, so we duly notified them. Can we get a final bill?


Not a chance.


They keep saying they have no details of her moving or her final readings (which they have been provided with several times!!!). They have, however, managed to send some very nasty letters demanding her 'outstanding final payment'!!!!


We have paid these as they weren't unreasonable amounts - but one still wonders how they managed to calculate an amount overdue when they assure us every time we ring they have no details of her moving or her readings. And it would still be nice (and as a matter of principle really) to get a final bill so she can check it.....

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Customer Service is a misnomer; it is in fact the first line of defence in their internal com,plaints process - a common phenomena in al llarge public, private and so-called not for profit organisations. Say one thing, do another & write a third; mediation, arbitration and ombudsmen are a total farce; they just advice all; these largeorbganisation of what evidence to destroy to prevent paying out on complaints or having to defend in legal proceedings.

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It's because of the " ****** call centre's " abroad, I reckon soon some will move back to the UK because people are taking their business else were.


I disagree with this comment. Most of the appalling lack of customer service I come across is from UK based call centres, filled with people who couldn’t care less what your problem is or who you are, and as soon as you hang up they have forgotten everything about you including to log your problem.


You are so right.

You only have to look at the tone most of the posters on this thread take ... calling others names like plonkers, vile slimy toerag and some words that have expletives in. Can you imagine any of them in customer service ?



They probably do work in Customer Service!


Personally I blame the general public for the sorry state of our customer service, it appears that it is nigh on impossible to get any kind of service in this country at all, the problem is that far too many people put up and shut up rather than demanding the good customer service they deserve for fear of possibly causing a scene. Too many companies nowadays couldn’t give a t**s about you once they have your money and some even before they have it, if you are not given good service then ask for it, a gentle reminder of the department they work in and a polite request to receive some usually works, if the person your speaking to doesn’t give it then escalate it to the next level and speak with the person above them, if this doesn’t work a registered letter to the MD pointing out the problem and most importantly what you would like for them to do to correct the problem (this is very important, always tell them how you would like it resolved, don’t leave it to them).

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If you experience bad customer service, and it bothers you enough, complain to whoever you need to to get it heard. I've rarely found a company that will ignore complaints completely, and at worst, you'll get an apology - at best you'll get a freebie for the inconvenience.


Obviously I'm not advocating complaining when theres nothing wrong, but when you get mistreated by a company, its certainly your right to complain, and you should exercise that right. :)

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And RazorSharp (presumably an ironic joke) who mentioned bad debt? I said I pay by direct debit. I cancelled it to stop them taking the monthly payment as well as the outstanding amount - fairly standard practice I think you'll find.


As I owe them about £100 I can't honestly say I'm that bothered, but no doubt if it doesn't get sorted they'll sue me and then I'll have to fart around to avoid having a CCJ against me.



You said you owed them £100, therefore unpaid bill = bad debt


PS No irony intended but I'll add another notch to my belt if you want me too!

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