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Norton us military base


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It was RAF Norton and a fully operational base. It was in the first world war part of an airfield with runways from Coal Aston to the base. Used to have Battle of Britain Open Days every year. Light aircraft used to land up to its closure. Maingate was oppsite Herdings Community School Caretakers house and the old road is now the big layby.Used to be an aircraft on display just inside the gate next to the guard house.Houses on Lightwood Lane were originally RAF houses.First World War aircraft repair base.
Hi Oldbri, you mentioned the Cutler family, did know them ? Ilived just below across from where the old cutlery factory was do you remember it cheers Arthur.
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Yes.I remember delivering The Star there from Hudsons Newsagents. Just up from there was a small cluster of stone houses set back down from the road. One of them belonged to the Holmes family. I went to Norton County School 1953-1959 with their daughters Judith and Linda.

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hi Arthur,sorry got it wrong. The Holmes family lived on Mount View Road probably at the back of where you lived.Remember terraced house on little hill opposite Hardys shop and the row of little mesters cottages at right angles to the top of the little hill?

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It was RAF Norton and a fully operational base. It was in the first world war part of an airfield with runways from Coal Aston to the base. Used to have Battle of Britain Open Days every year. Light aircraft used to land up to its closure. Maingate was oppsite Herdings Community School Caretakers house and the old road is now the big layby.Used to be an aircraft on display just inside the gate next to the guard house.Houses on Lightwood Lane were originally RAF houses.First World War aircraft repair base.


I'm curious as to how the runways crossed lightwood lane, and the Bagshawe's land to get all the way to coal Aston. the base came no further toward the Water tower vicinity than Lightwood Lane.


I was told it was a barrage balloon base, rather than an actual aerodrome. (and nothing to do with the USAF)


the houses on lightwood lane were indeed homes for base-staff, and when the hospital was built, they became staff residences for the nurses etc. (I nursed there in my able days)

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I can confirm that RAF Norton was a Royal Air Force station dealing mainly in the servicing of electronic equipment. I visited the sergeants mess there on numerious occasions as a guest of serving members who were also members of the Gloryland Jazz Club. I little thought then that I would finish up in the RAF as it was completely alien to my boheman lifestyle. It was, however difficult to refuse an invitation to national service.

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I'm curious as to how the runways crossed lightwood lane, and the Bagshawe's land to get all the way to coal Aston. the base came no further toward the Water tower vicinity than Lightwood Lane.


I was told it was a barrage balloon base, rather than an actual aerodrome. (and nothing to do with the USAF)


the houses on lightwood lane were indeed homes for base-staff, and when the hospital was built, they became staff residences for the nurses etc. (I nursed there in my able days)


I am sure the two bases were entirely independent never joined up in fact I may go futher one was raf the other private

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It was RAF Norton and a fully operational base. It was in the first world war part of an airfield with runways from Coal Aston to the base. Used to have Battle of Britain Open Days every year. Light aircraft used to land up to its closure. Maingate was oppsite Herdings Community School Caretakers house and the old road is now the big layby.Used to be an aircraft on display just inside the gate next to the guard house.Houses on Lightwood Lane were originally RAF houses.First World War aircraft repair base.


Has anyone got any further positive details on the above?

I can only recall it being a Balloon Site. This would have been in the mid-1940s'. It would be nice to know.

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Used to "play" on the old aerodrome for hours as kids........i was under the impression it was a barrage balloon only base,the iron rings which the balloons were tethered too were still there when i was a kid (late 70's).........is the base still there?........also there used to be an airraid shelter nearby,we had hours of fun in there :heyhey:

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A friend of mine I knew here in Florida and who died recently of cancer, a Canadian who flew Lancasters during the war had a brother stationed at Norton. A lady school teacher at St Mathias school was courting a canadian from Norton air base. It must have had aircraft there during the war because this friend told me his brother flew a hurricane from there to see him and got carpeted for his troubles.


There was a Barrage balloon site in Meersbrook park near the Museum.

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