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Tunnels under Sheffield

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Originally posted by "mikey"


They are part of the manor castle, I think. They link the castle to the Queens Head Pub. (Mary Queen of Scots and all that, she was imprisoned there for a few years)


There is a society for the castle maybe they can help you. Let me know as I may be interested in taking a look

Mikey The Yorkshire UFO Society hold meetings at the Queens Head Pub and yes a tunnel doe run from there up to the castle (btw i have written to the council about a visit down the tunnels so if they say yes you going with us?)
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Apparently there are loads of tunnels leading from Manor Castle to the Castle markets in town too. I don't know how true they are, but my friend works for the Manor and Castle Development Trust thingy so I'll ask her if I see her today.


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Further investigation inot the possibility of tunnels from Manor lodge to anywhere near the Castle have hit brick walls (pun apology :roll: )

The friends of Manor lodge/castle and others working around and about there told me it was an engineering impossibility due to the distance/rivers in the way. They say people have mistaken old drift mines and victorian sewers for tunnels.

Some arguments were more plausible than others. For instance certain of these people refuted the existence of tunnels anywhere under Sheffield, and I truly believe they are wrong.

If anyone can prove this one way or another (particularly the Manor/ Sheff Castle one), please please please show me the proof. :!:



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There's no information online about tunnels under Sheffield, although for other cities (eg Manchester which has lots) this is well documented.


Has anyone actually got any evidence to support this? It's a nice idea I know, but it seems really unlikely that there are tunnels from Ponds Forge to the Manor.


I do a lot of potholing and exploration of old mines and I'd just like to advise anyone who does find anything to get hold of proper lights, helmets and let someone know exactly where you're going and the time at which you'd like them to call 999 if you don't return.

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If you find any tunnel, hole or whatever in your searches, please do not enter without doing a thorough risk assessment first. This may sound technical, but it's basically application of common sense to ensure that the environment you are about to enter is safe.


I am all too aware from my job, that people can and do die from entering confined/restricted spaces. Old mine workings, especially, are prone to build up of dangerous gasses which you cannot see or smell/taste and these will kill you in a very short time. I'm sorry to sound morbid or bang on about it, but I do not want to hear of anyone putting themselves or others at risk. You need to ensure that there is sufficient oxygen to breath and that there are no other nasties in the air. Please don't take the risk, if you're not sure, then don't!


Probably one of the best sources of information (as I mentioned in an earlier post) is the Hunter Archaeological Society. If they don't know about any tunnels, then I would venture to suggest that they don't exist. I will try and find out some way of contacting them and post any info that comes to light.


Keep safe - you know it makes sense!

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I got a letter from the council today (friday 16th may) about the tunnels they have passed my information on to someone else and will be getting back intouch with me soon fingers crossed :D

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