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Tunnels under Sheffield

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Does anyone remember the massive hole that opened up on the Park Square Roundabout island about 10-15 years ago? Apparantly this happened because an old mine shaft under the roundabout hadn't been filled in correctly.


Still amazes me that there's all these funky things under the ground that we never hear of. I'd kinda convinced myself that the stories of the Castle remains under the Fish Market were something I'd dreamt up until doing an internet search on it a few months back.

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I'm told that when they were digging the hole in the road some of these forgotten tunnels were inadvertently broken into. I'm sure I've read somewhere that a local reporter at the time went into them. Was he from the Star?


it is highly likely that many of these tunnels do indeed exist, but it is not often in the interests of the owners of the properties where they lead to admit to them. Imagine if it were suddenly common knowledge that a tunnel came up in the cellar of a bank for example!


If you want to get a feeling of what the tunnels were probably like, you could do a lot worse than take a trip to Nottingham and visit the caves which are now hidden under a shopping centre. It's not exactly the same thing, but it's close in parts.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just come into possession of a letter in the Star (02/07/98) that is all about the Park tunnels. This gentleman asserts that as a lad he and his mates used to play in some tunnels (entrance on Skye Edge) that led to Manor lodge (where they were barred and gated). He reckons the entrance was a 'vast hole' on Skye Edge, so I'm presuming that at least the hole has been filled in. Apparently they found war munitions and Moony gang coins in there, which they sold to the ragman. But if there really was a gate and bars at the Manor Lodge end, someone must know it's there...we've had the place crawling with archeologists before now.


Curiouser and curiouser...

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missed this one I don't know why?? I'll come if we can get access.


I have a snoop finding about the location of the manor entrance. The Sheff, Medaevil re-enactment society do their practises up at the Manor sometime, so we shall see what is what.


The tunnels date back to at least the 15th century and are as many have mentioned so far connected with Manor Castle.


It isn't unusual to have tunnels and such with the castles. Monk Bretton Priory in Barnsley is said to have tunnels that link up with another church in Wakefield :shock: A quick escape route for the monk should they be attacked.



Moon Maiden

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It's a nice thought, and it has been fairly certainly ascertained that there were tunnels to and from these buildings, but that they most probably did not run from town to the Manor, as geographically there are some major problems with that theory. If you definitely know differently, then please please show me irrefutable proof (i.e. photos or the tunnels themselves or Council documents - I've heard the stories and read the articles already, no offense :wink: ), as I've been chewing on this problem for a while now

If you can get tunnel tours, then you will be a popular person, as a lot of us on this topic are itching to see some of the tunnels. And I for one would like to know the definitive answer(s) to this niggly subject




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Here is some more from my hubby.


One of the entrances is located at Wicker arches. Large door. You used to be able to access them from there. Apparently though if you open the large door there you will find a brick wall now.


He reckons there are three 'layers' of tunnels. The newest ones near the city floor are fairly recent, possible associated with a netweork of airraid shelters.

The second layer is the tunnels associated with the castle and then there is a new super layer beneath these, which is suposed to be nuclear bunkers :shock: . Miles and miles of the things should there ever be a nuclear attack, we are sorted.


These nuclear tunnels are supposed to be accessed by the other layers which is why Sheffield council wouldn't officially give anyone access.


Don't know how true the layers are.


Moon Maiden

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