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Tunnels under Sheffield

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There were air raid shelters on the field on Prince of Wales Rd, behind where the Travelodge is now. You could go in one end, walk right through all the shelters and come out the other end. They were scary when we were kids.Also, there is rumoured to be a tunnel leading from Ecclesfield church to Whitley Hall Hotel, half a mile away across fields. Apparently Mary Queen of Scots stayed there.

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:) there was 1 up high hazels park area,my m8s dad was park ranger & told us 2 stay away[early60s] that was sposed 2 go 2 darnall [summat 2 do with mary queen o scots] & then in 2 town 2 the river don.there was definetly 1 on canklow roundabout[late 60s][cos we explored it-ok i know its not sheffield]& it went in 2 what was called boston hill[with the castle on top-that just looked like a rock stars mansion & not a castle 2 me]apparantly that had been aquired by the kp crisp factory[that was on the other side of the roundabout]& used as a store from the m-o-d,local legend said that it was linked 2 the castle up darnall via howarth hall .our ole fella reckoned it was an ammo dump 4 the ak ak batteries that were all over the place during ww2 which is more feasable 2 me cos sheff was 1 o the most bombed cities on the planet during the blitz.
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:) back 2 highhazels [woods[ which us kids in brinsworth reckoned were ours cos they started at the marshalling yards-lol. u could walk in a straight line [more or less] 2 darnall-or if u skirted the golf course 2 wards orgreave u came 2 the old watch tower & just below were the old gunpits[not so old then]that was all connected by tunnels & that was s'posed to link 2 sheff city centre.
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The tunnel to the goods yard existed in 1968 as I used to walk my dog in the area.


There was however no track and it was blocked at the goods yard end.


Note about it here:




Also found a picture from 1979



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