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Tunnels under Sheffield

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I don't know if this helps, but the cellar levels of the Town Hall consists of arched corridors and openings to rooms, presumably to support the weight of the building. I suppose these could look like tunnels, but they don't go beyond the foundations of the building.

Very helpful, thankyou. If this is true, (and I see no reason why it shouldn't be) then there are no tunnels under the townhall as suggested in the other thread! But is it possible to get a photo posted to remove the townhall from any investigating?

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Ah, you mean you made this bit up!:rolleyes:


Yes I made that bit up :) but OTOH what proof is there for the 'facts' outlined in the original claim ? http://www.sheffieldpub.co.uk/pubs/shalesmoor/ship-inn/


I doubt the 'tunnels' if they existed were 'secret' - more likely drainage channels that had been forgotten about.


And "two seamen drowned without a trace in secret tunnels" is a little hard to swallow - If these two were staying at the inn on the night of the flood and their bodies were not found they would be just two of the several people who diappeared without trace on that night. No need to invent secret tunnels to account for their bodies not being found.

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You make a good point, Greybeard, and could be correct. However, why would someone invent a story about missing people in tunnels at the time of the flood when they could just be truthful and said "Included in the death toll of those swept away,two men from the Ship Inn have also fallen victim to the floodwater." If there was nothing special in the circumstances of their disappearance, why mention them at all?

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The good thing about this subject is that no one can prove exactly what, if anything, is beneath the city (other than the obvious, drainage etc.). So it just rolls on and on...

I don't think so, not if you apply a little reality.


Who and for what reason would anyone want to construct a tunnel up City Road between the Castle and Mannor Lodge?


Why would they need to do it? The people in the Castle were powerful barons who governed the countryside for miles around, they were mounted, and they usually went everywhere with their household knights. They had no need to run away and hide in any tunnel, one word and any trouble makers would be clamped in irons and placed in the dungeon.

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You are probably correct, but how can it be proved one way or the other? Some tunnels did exist to connect cellars together or to transport prisoners to court or into holding without using surface roads, as at the firestation museum on West Bar. But as for the older ones? Without proof, who knows?

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  • 5 months later...

Back in the 80's there was a multi-story company HQ at the roundabout at the bottom of Ecclesall Road called Davy Computing.


Seemingly authoritative rumour (!) used to have it that they had a sizeable undergound computing facility beneath what is now Waitrose car park.


Anyone ever hear of this?

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