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Tunnels under Sheffield

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it makes you wonder .how would one go about finding this info


I've been searching for months and cannot find any reference to any at all, I have even spoke to someone in the archives at the town hall and they cannot find and reference to them.

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it makes you wonder .how would one go about finding this info


Old maps can sometimes help, but in this case there's nothing to see on the OS map of 1905 except that there was a quarry there....




The Park Brickworks were behind the baths at the top of Duke street and possibly linked to Hyde Park quarry but we can't be sure the quarry on Maltravers road was used by the brickworks.


Can you identify from the map where you saw the tunnel entrance ? It may just have been a powder magazine dug into the back face of the quarry.


There is a tramway emerging from the south of the brickworks but I don't have the section of map that continues on.

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  • 1 month later...

i don't like to carry on all these rumours but i have a few stories to add.


after reading the thread i spoke to my dad (from Barnsley) who said he used to play down the tunnels in barnsley. they were used to store barrage balloons but were abandoned when he went down them. he said they were full of gas masks and tin hats etc...he was quite sketchy on the details but said the tunnels were just open shafts in the middle of fields.


he is adamant there are tunnels of exactly the same nature in sheffield and says it was a well known fact in his day. the only reason he can think of it being a bit of a secret these days is the MOD.


i work at the bankers draft on castle gate and have been down into the foundations of the building (where the old stables were) and there is indeed bricked up tunnel entrances. i'm not suggesting people go down any tunnels, but it would be an excellent place to start if you were interested. ;)


as for the building on the outskirts of town that people think may be a nuclear base, he says that is a huge processing centre for all credit card transactions in the UK. he went in there for some "trivial things" years ago and says he has never been searched more. he said there were many levels of security and if you had even the slightest thing wrong with your documents you were arrested at gunpoint. the place i am referring to is on the left hand side of the road as you drive towards tankersely manor from the roundabout. it is easier to see in autumn when the leaves have fallen off the trees.


AND, on a tangent...he used to work testing fire alarms and had to work at a military base in suffolk temporarily. as it turns out this base is the UK's nuclear headquarters and he had two armed guards following him round all day...they even had to watch him go to the toilet (and i mean watch him). all doors were made from very thick steel and manually operated. he said he went into rooms that were bigger than any room he had ever seen and they had thousands of bunk beds in each room. that may be comforting to some, but he said if there was a nuclear attack there is no way in hell we would all get to the base in time. he also said there was a picture of the a US stealth fighter bomber on the wall with a caption written on it saying "we can see you". this was because the US airforce claimed they had made an aircraft undetectable on radar...and we felt it necessary to disprove this theory...haha.

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  • 1 month later...
I know this has been mentioned before but do they actually exist and does anyone know where they are


sean30982, if you want any help on sheffield markets tunnels

and others around, i am leaving you 2 names to ring.

peter and john-- 0114/ 2736245, and any other person looking in on

thread. address--development, environment & leisure.

their office is upstairs in the markets.

p,s, i am not sure they take parties down them tunnels anymore,

i think there unsafe but check out. >> o.k. <<

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Here we go again...

Those who do believe the tunnels are there can't (or won't) prove it, whilst those who don't believe just pour scorn over any suggestion that there may be.


We need proper pictures, evidence, not just hear say!

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At the rear of castle market in town loading bay area, there is a big blue door with a plaque stating it leads to the manor castle, its the loading bay which faces the parkway i seen it yeeears ogo im sure,,,

-------------------- some,

sheffield markets now demolished and new hotels now built around

the site.


there are tunnels leading up to manor castle

some passages lead up to the old cockaynes arcade,

also pond hill pond street. and to old midland station<< railway>>


they were 2 oak chairs-table-and 2 tumblers

a long sword 3ft long, seen in the tunnels,

passages to glossop road had old coal mines

in 1925 a mrs jenkins was to have seen an old man running

through 6 feet high tunnels.

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