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Tunnels under Sheffield

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A few years ago my wife was doing a school project on the area at Tankersley where the underground building is opposite from the Tankersley Manor Pub.


She researched the geology records which were drawn before the buildings were built , these surveys were carried out to check for old Bell Pits which were common in the area.


She even got permission to visit the underground building.


I can confirm the security is very tight and search procedures were carried out before entry. She was only allowed to see certain areas.


The following week we went onto the back road behind the complex to take some photographs for the project.


It wasn't long before the security were on to us and sent a security vehicle to check us out although at no time were we trespassing or breaking the law.


We didn't need the hassle and so we moved on before there was a fuss.


Happy Days! PopT

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A few years ago my wife was doing a school project on the area at Tankersley where the underground building is opposite from the Tankersley Manor Pub.


{snip rest}



If it's the one I think you're talking about, it's a HSBC data-centre. Details in another thread on the forum. Can't post a direct URL (this is post 3 or 4 and the forum needs me to have posted 5 times before I can throw links about), but it's the thread entitled Tellytubby place A61 Tankersley. What is it?, dated April 2005.

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If it's the one I think you're talking about, it's a HSBC data-centre. Details in another thread on the forum. Can't post a direct URL (this is post 3 or 4 and the forum needs me to have posted 5 times before I can throw links about), but it's the thread entitled Tellytubby place A61 Tankersley. What is it?, dated April 2005.


Oh - apparently that was my 5th post, so let's try a direct link:


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  • 5 weeks later...

just joined forum so not read much of the postings..my nan lived in stafford lane they

were very old cottages as one large building divided into four dwellings, these stood

some 10ft. below the edge of city road.as a youngster I was told that behind the 10ft.

wall was a tunnel that led to the Manor Castle, I think the cottages very old they was

a part of the Duke of Norfolk estate..and approximately half way [diagonally ] between

the Manor Castle and Sheffield Castle

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  • 1 month later...
if you go into crookes valley park from the main road entrance at mushroom lane bottom and walk down to the bowling green, hidden in the trees is a large concrete disc with a grating in the centre, i've looked down it and it appears quite deep, it maybe connected to the sewer system or something to do with the tunnels you speak of or alternatively it may be a connection to both, anyone from the parks department on here that may be able to shed some light?.



when i was about 14/15, i courted a girl from crookes that led me into those trees/bushes, i thought my luck was in!! but she showed a a circular wall which had a pallet leaning against it, she told me to climb the palate which i did, i peered over the wall and there was a massive drop, it was a circular brick wall all the way down with a door at the very bottom, to me at the time, it appeared to be about a hundred feet deep, there was no concrete on it and someone could have been killed climbing it.

i went back a few years ago looking for the trees and the hole but couldn't remember where it was (it was around 35 years ago that i was shown it:o))

i even asked on the urban exploration site 28 days later and no one on there knew of it so i'm really glad you posted this argente as i thought i'd imagined it all:D:D:D




Edited by biggsy
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Hi, it's the WW2 barrage balloon store. There are some images from inside here: http://www.urbx.info/wp-content/gallery/charltontunnel/


It used to have an entrance the other side of crookes vallery road which is now blocked by a manhole, but this used to be (so i hear) just a grate at the end of a street that has now been knocked down. The concrete 'disc' is now securely gated, and I'd say your estimate of 100ft isn't too far off.



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Hi, it's the WW2 barrage balloon store. There are some images from inside here: http://www.urbx.info/wp-content/gallery/charltontunnel/


It used to have an entrance the other side of crookes vallery road which is now blocked by a manhole, but this used to be (so i hear) just a grate at the end of a street that has now been knocked down. The concrete 'disc' is now securely gated, and I'd say your estimate of 100ft isn't too far off.




thanks dan;)




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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to go a little off-topic here, but as this is a thread on tunnels and rumours, I think this should fit in here.

The tunnel I'm talking about isn't a mythical one, nor is it under the city, in fact it's on the outskirts. Spinkhill tunnel, near mount St Mary's college, is now partially flooded, presumably to prevent people entering it. The water is about thigh deep in places, but obviously that doesn't keep the local kids out of there!

My question is this; does anyone on here remember a rumour, a few years ago now, that a large 'cat' (ie a Panther or something, not a moggie) had been sighted around the area of the tunnel? I remember this being talked about quite a bit at one time, but I never found out whether there was a good explanation for it. I presume it was either drunks who saw it, or it was just a black dog, but I'd be interested to hear if anyone remembers anything.

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Well i'm actually from Killamarsh and I know which tunnel you mean. When i was a kid we used to walk to the tunnel along the back lane but we were too scared to go far in because it was dark. I'm pretty sure you used to be able to walk all the way through and i was going thinking about doing it one day...however now you've brought up this panther story i'm not so sure!


I've heard of lots of these types of sightings, and these stattos reckon that there really is a lot of big cats living wild in the UK. In short, it could well be real but hopefully i'll never find out first hand!


I don't really know why they would flood it on purpose though, surely that makes it even more dangerous? Can you still get through to the other side or is it blocked up now?

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I used to live in Eckington and never heard of this tunnel at Spinkhill before or the rumour about the 'Panther' before either! Where abouts does this tunnel start and finish and what was it originally used for?


Here's me thinking the only decent thing I knew Spinkhill for was the old X52 bus route.

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