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Tunnels under Sheffield

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Sorry, but I'm sceptical of this entire notion that there is a great network of tunnels under the city.


Such a vast network would have taken years and years to dig, and if it was true there would have been many more of our forefathers remembering digging them.


Tunnels takes years to build, and a lot of manpower, it took the channel tunnel 7 years to dig, with 15,000 workers.


And it wouldn't matter any more anyway, as every single one of them would have collapsed, flooded or been filled in by now.


Just my thoughts.


Agree - I doubt there is anything as extensive as that, though I'm sure many small holes and tunnels in places owing to the many coal pits and mines (probably many are poorly filled in) and smaller tunnels beneath parts of town (reports of some under the Courts). I find the claims of a tunnel from the Old Queens Head pub to the Sheffield Castle / Manor Castle (depending on who is claiming) a little fanciful. Perhaps there were smuggling tunnels, but how they would tunnel beneath the River Sheaf under what is now the station that long ago? (http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/archive/index.php/t-13360.html). If they did exist I imagine they are now blocked, collapsed or flooded.


What is certain is that there is a network of culverted rivers such as the Sheaf through the Megatron tunnel that are obviously purposeful. Sheffield has lost many of its smaller streams into pipes and culverts too (http://www.28dayslater.co.uk/forums/uk-draining-forum/82119-stoopatron-sheffield-july-2013-a.html). Quite a few people have them flowing through their basements. Map of the Lost Rivers of Sheffield:


There's also the major tunnel from the Derwent reservoirs in the Peak District delivering water to Sheffield's Rivelin dams (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivelin_Dams#Rivelin_tunnel).


The ones through Ponderosa area of Sheffield as Jon said are also there. There was once a cascade of 10 reservoirs all down this valley from Crookes Valley Park (http://www.chrishobbs.com/crookes1826.jpg). Although most have gone, one or two remain, and the stream that drains them goes under Watery Street and gets mixed with sewage and taken to the sewage works at Meadowhall. There are chambers under these old reservoir structures that certainly exist.


Of all the coal pits all over the city, I imagine there are still poorly filled in holes in the ground under Sheffield. Talk of tunnels under the city centre

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most / some will know of the huge storm drain that lies beneath the city centre's concrete. What i wanna know is where are the entrances? I have been searching for it for yonks, i know most urb exes dont reveal how they got in there as I would assume it is illegal to go inside...but out of curiosity and a chance to get some fantastic images for my bedroom wall, where abouts is it


and i promise not to tell if i get caught who showed it me lol ;)

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i know most urb exes dont reveal how they got in there as I would assume it is illegal to go inside


Not illegal, just places get locked down or trashed if you make it too easy. I miss the old days when urbex was about seeing the place, not getting fame and glory from your follow up reports and pictures.


Prove your worth by doing some research, all it takes is five minutes with a good map!

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ye i can imagine! i applied to the council for any information regarding known tunnels either for drainage, access, bunkers etc that they know of...on the off chance a couple may be worth a trek as the megatron looks an exciting place to visit, with the obvious dangers and that!

urbex appealed so much to me when i was at uni but since i left i haven't had the time to research the library's and old places that are relatively open to safely explore

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There are a number of tunnels under Liverpool known as the 'Williamson tunnels' these were built in the early 1800's. They were constructed under the direction of, & paid for by, an eccentric business man called Joseph Williamson.


His purpose apparently was to keep men employed & receiving wages without the shame of having to rely on charity.

Sounds more like a rich but decent man to me, rather than an eccentric although that's the way he's usually described.

Does anyone know if the Sheffield tunnels were for a similar purpose?

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Paris has a not so secret tunnel system beneath it, often referred to as The Paris Catacombes. It includes old mines, cellars, an ossuary or two, escape tunnels, military bunkers, quarries and even a former mushroom farm amongst other things.


Apparently this system of connected tunnels means that foundations can't be laid deep enough for tall buildings to be built above them.


:suspect: Hey, have you noticed how few tall buildings there are in Sheffield City Center? :suspect:

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