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Funny Names - know of any??

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My mum swears she went to school with a girl called 'Mini Cooper' but I'm not convinced, lol. In school we had a teacher called Mrs D icker, and then another called Miss D ick, who ironically was rumoured to be a lesbian (cue lots of jokes about her having got fed up with d*ck due to her name, hehe). And then at school there was a family with the surname of Berry who named their son Fred (tennis fans maybe) and then they called their daughter Blue...which is pretty cute for a little kid, but as she gets older I think she might not like it so much, hehe. I had a luck escape, my dad wanted to call me agatha :S

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My old boss was a very nice Flemish woman called Annie De ****....say that quickly. She still works for EDS in Antwerp.


The golf pro at Hallamshire Golf Club in Sheffield is Mr Tickle, and in answer to the original poster, I had a customer in Vauxhall called Richard Head - he's a fleet sales manager.


I work for an American company so we've got a few daft names, including a Scott W@nk in Albany, New York. The CEO is Michael Jordan, but he took over from a guy called Dick Brown. It used to make everyone laugh when we'd get emails to the entire company from him, as the names get reversed. Very silly I know. There used to be another senior guy called Dick King....so emails from Brown Dick and King Dick.

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This one's true - my cousin married a turkish bloke called Fahti, but we never knew whether to pronounce his name as Fatty or Farty. Oddly enough, he didn't seem to mind.


It was a different story with his brothers Pisshi and Shiitthi though... *


















* Okay, so I made that bit up......

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