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Story: 'Meak 7' (Serial story for December)


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This story is potentially quite large, possibly nine chapters, they will be uploaded at 8PM or thereabouts to this thread most Wednesdays & Fridays during December.


The shocking final chapter, which may require an 18 certificate, will be uploaded on Christmas Eve.


All feedback welcome.


I know where this story is going but you are very welcome to speculate what you think may happen. As I am writing this story ‘on the fly’ I may even incorporate some of your ideas into the story. Enjoy!


Chapters 1 & 2 (1-12-06)


Chapter 3 (6-12-06)


Chapter 4 (8-12-06)


Chapter 5 (13-12-06)


Chapter 6 (19-12-06)


Chapter 7 (20-12-06)


Chapter 8 (23-12-06)


Chapter 9 (24-12-06)

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Hi ya Mantaspook


First of all, let me say I feel like a pupil commenting on a tutors work, but after all that’s what this club is for.


Chapter 2


It’s really good, I fell into it, I suspect a novel brewing here.

Had chapter 2 been the intro of a book I had just picked up off the shelf, I would have bought it.

Roll on Wednesday.


Chapter 1


Well I’m not sure; after reading it a couple of times and got the gist, not so easy reading for a chapter 1, not your best “me thinks” (sorry for doing a Simon cowell).




When considering Chapter 1 and the last line of Chapter 2, I would say something on the lines of mutant Yellow Jack.

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