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Smoking in pubs

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Can anyone tell me if smoking is banned in UK pubs? I know the ban has created horror in both Ireland and New York City, and has now arrived here in Connecticut. Perhaps I can come home to Sheffield still and enjoy a pint and a fag.

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Hanranans opened once more yesterday and is now a no smoke zone. The Shef telegraph gaive it a good review and if the chicken wings are as they use to be its well worth putting up with some of the pretentious trendies that go there.



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Originally posted by Snook

but not for long!


Really??? News too me.


I can't ever see them banning smoking in pubs,it would just cause to much agro,to many pubs would end up closing and to many people would lose there jobs.

The only reason smoking is banned in Ireland is because when someone who has been working in a bar for years and year and ends up getting cancer (or whatever) through passive smoking,its not the brewery or landlord they claim compensation against,it the government.

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Smoking is currently in the process of being "smoked out" (excuse the bad pun) of public places, although I think there should be an outright ban, I don't think there ever will be cos there are certain branches of people would bitch and moan about infringement of their personal right to light up anywhere they want to... :loopy:


Twits, so by their reckoning, we non smokers should suffer their smoke cos THEY have personal rights to smoke?! What about OUR personal right to clean air?! And more importantly our right to not die from passive smoking related illness?! :loopy:


God I need to loosen up, I'm beginning to sound worryingly like t020! :(

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I've never smoked in my life (except for secondary smoking) but I do view smoke in pubs as the price of a night in the boozer.


So I'll tend to pick my pubs so I go where the atmosphere isn't TOO thick, but wouldn't want to necessarily legislate to ban it all together in pubs. I dislike the smell I get on my hair and clothes, and do prefer places where they have good air-con or non-smoking rooms.


Where I get REALLY pissy is restaurants or eating areas in pubs. Ban smoking straight away in restaurants. If it's a mixed function place like a pub with restaurant area, ensure that smoke is not detectable in the restaurant area. If you serve food in the bar then just engender good manners in people and hope for the best....



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Ok it's a persons right to kill themselfs by smoking if they choose But... And it's a big But... Not at the exspence of others. :loopy:


More needs to to be done by the powers that be to seperate smokers from none smokers in pubs, clubs, and anywhere else.


it was puffing on Fag's that help kill my dear mum and dad. Kill Smoking Before it kill's you. :thumbsup:

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I hate smoking too but i think it should be banned in places like BUS STOPS!!


I hate it when someones stood in front of you puffin' away and and it blows straight in your face ...and they dont care(no manners) !!


I dont think banning it in pubs will work they will lose trade , and if they have non smoking areas what about groups of friends that are split down the middle!!


Out of my group of friends (15) only 3 smoke so we would have sit with them in the smoking area !! But i do agree with that when your havin a meal !!

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