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Smoking in pubs

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Smoking in pubs i agree should be restricted/baned or at the very least smokers need to be more conciderate for others and think twice befor lighting up in crowded places.


i am a smoker and have been for a good many years now, and information about passive smoking is a relativly new phenominon.

the evidence for passive smoking is based on the fact that there is toxins in cigarettes that could/can harm or kill humans.

but cant the same be said for factorys, Chimneys, fires, car exaust and the like?


with all the Polutants & carcenogenics that are in the air from factorys, fires, car exaust ect, it annoys me when they try to make out that passive smoking has any relivence to people dropping dead from heart deseise, lung cancer and the likes.


A cigarette is 2" long and takes about 3 minuets to burn out.

the ammount of toxins released in to the air from cigarrettes is irelivent compared to the ammount of toxins pumped in to the air from the millions of cars that are on our roads.


so to use passave smoking as an excuse to ban smoking in public is ludacris, as it would be if you were to stop people driving in public places for fear or 'Passave Car Fumes.:loopy:

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Originally posted by Nu_Skillz

so to use passave smoking as an excuse to ban smoking in public is ludacris, as it would be if you were to stop people driving in public places for fear or 'Passave Car Fumes.:loopy:


How about using the BMJ's own study the conclusion of which included the following:


Studies based on reports of smoking in a partner alone seem to underestimate the risks of exposure to passive smoking.


The report can be found here: BMJ Report


Note the word underestimate in the quote, the consequences of passive smoking are worse than first thought.

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I completely disagree that smoking should be banned in pubs.


I mean if you dislike smoke that much then don't go to a pub!


Pubs are just about the only public indoor places where you are allowed to smoke! Plus you can have smoking and non smoking areas in pubs so wheres the problem. You should be free to smoke really.


(btw I don't smoke :P)

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Sigh, this is a tirewd old argument now, but....


Smokers account for only 1 in 4 of the adult population.


Don't you think it's about time that the smokers found somewhere else to go to carry out their noxious minority habit?

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After visiting ireland recently, it was a pleasure to have a drink in any pub and not have smoke wafting around. I found that most of the Irish had now got used to the new banning laws and would not want to revert to allowing smoking in pubs.

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I mean if you dislike smoke that much then don't go to a pub!


why should it just be the non smokers who have to go out of there way,,smokers should be more courtious and not smoke round people who dont.


it would be better is if there were bothe smoking and non-smoking as well as the mixed smoking pubs their already is.

everyones happy :)

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I think the best thing here is for market forces to make the decisions rather than a nanny state government.


If a few of the bigger chain pubs 'tested' non-smoking outlets to see how they affected business. i.e. if takings were down then people like to smoke in pubs, if takings are up, it's because people flocked to a non-smoking environment.


in time, business would go the way of the money!!


and people will have had their choice!


at some point in time, if smoking pubs were in the minority, (pubs that allowed smoking, not ones on fire!!!), then they could still turn a profit with the die-hards that remain having to go there due to lack of choice.


some capitalist theory in there some where, but a bit of the old liberals aswell!!

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"now thats just silly you can hardly compare a bus stop to a bar"



Im not being silly its still smoke being blown in my face no matter where it is...and i dont like it .....


Doesnt bother me in the pub too much but when its directly been blown into your face thats annoying!!

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