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Smoking in pubs

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Originally posted by Nu_Skillz

why should it just be the non smokers who have to go out of there way,,smokers should be more courtious and not smoke round people who dont.


yeah but why should smokers be banned from pubs. Think about places where they are allowed to smoke indoors? Not many places! If you are that sensitive to smoke then don't go to pubs or if you do then sit outside!

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Went down west street on Friday walked in 3 bars which were packed and the first thing you could see was an uninviting haze of smoke..........walked straght out again.


I am not anti-smoking I just think that a bar so filled with smoke that you feel uncomfortable as soon as you walk in is less preferable than a bar with no smoke


I went to New York earlier this year and although there was still some negative feelings about the ban in bars the fact that you could walk into a packed bar and still have clean air to breath was a huge plus even to some of the smokers I went with who said going outside for a smoke was not such a big problem when in return you get an atmosphere that is so much cleaner.


I think it is only a matter of time before it happens here as the bottom line is although many are against it to start with it appears to me that most people welcome it after a while which could make it a vote winner?

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Now that there appears to be so much evidence that passive smoking is very dangerous, then surely a ban on smoking in public places should be brought in as soon as possible?


But even if a ban doesn't happen, shouldn't people be more considerate of other people now that they know that smoking in a pub is very likely to cause the deaths of non-smokers? I wonder how long it will be before someone takes a smoker to court for causing the death of a family member by smoking in front of them in a pub?

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I too don't believe in smoking in restaurants, but a pub is a little different, as long as it's not selling meals. The only time I ever take a drag is with a beer, and that's not often. Smoking is supposedly banned in Connecticut, based on the old TV show Cheers it's a place where everybody knows your name, so as long as there's no strangers in to call the cops, out come the Marlboros.

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We have just had smoking banned on one of our beaches here in Oz with a few more beaches set to follow. Doesn't matter about all the syringes that druggies leave behind or all the bottles that get smashed etc: or even dirty nappies (disposable ones) but we MUST NOT smoke on beaches & leave butts behind? Makes you wonder doesn't it?

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Originally posted by ianmitchell

yeah but why should smokers be banned from pubs. Think about places where they are allowed to smoke indoors? Not many places! If you are that sensitive to smoke then don't go to pubs or if you do then sit outside!


Why should they?! You choose to smoke, but people don't choose to breathe - think about it!!! Besides, don't those people who work hard for a minimal wage deserve the right to serve you your hard earned pint without suffering health problems for it!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by Red 2

Liverpool is going to be the first British City to ban smoking in Public places (maybe Brighton too).


It's a good thing in my opinion, especially in restaraunts or eating eares.


I didn't know about that. Whens it happening Red? I think banning it Will probably help all my mates who are trying to give up at the moment (5 weeks for me). I know everyone will still want to go to the pub, so will be less tempted to smoke when no one else is.

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Give landlords the choice of how they want to run their pub, that's what 3 landlords told me they wanted when the same question was asked of them at the weekend.


Nanny state again (*bangs head against wall*)


And the day any 'get on my soapbox about this' anti-smoking whingers stop driving cars and giving kids asthma is the day I might consider not contributing to your lung cancer. Let's have non-smoking pubs for the non-smokers, smoking pubs for the smokers and people wo couldn't care less can go in both. There, everyone's happy.


Not hard is it?

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Originally posted by buck

Can anyone tell me if smoking is banned in UK pubs? I know the ban has created horror in both Ireland and New York City, and has now arrived here in Connecticut. Perhaps I can come home to Sheffield still and enjoy a pint and a fag.


At the moment you are still free to spoil other people's pints by smoking around non-smokers. However, many of us over here are looking forward to the day when we can enjoy the 'horror' of being in a pub without breathing in somebody's foul smelling fag smoke. Hopefully the law will be changed soon.


I hope that answers your question.

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